[@ShwiggityShwah] [hider=The abyss bore life to a being who knows not of life, but the will to survive] [center][img]http://img01.deviantart.net/ef14/i/2014/177/c/8/yog_sothoth_by_davesrightmind-d7o0c3s.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [center][i][color=gray]Image taken by an officer prior to its containment. The officer was then promtply admitted to a mental institution there after.[/color][/i][/center] [hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180507/a8f7b6b55f50c71a59c26c273fd78184.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOi9gjoylas&index=4&list=RDqL3osHj-Myc[/youtube][/center] [hr] [color=gray][b]Age:[/b][/color] [color=9e0b0f]Unknown [/color] [color=gray][b]Gender:[/b][/color] [color=9e0b0f]Unknown[/color] [color=gray][b]Race:[/b][/color] [color=9e0b0f]Unknown[/color] [color=gray][b]Culture:[/b][/color] [color=9e0b0f]Unknown[/color] [color=gray][b]Racial Features:[/b][/color] [color=9e0b0f]From observation of this specimen, we have gathered a few interesting details about it. For starters, the creature is most definitely mystical in nature. We have compared notes to any known living flora like species in Elysia and from the samples we have gathered, it seems the results returned infantismal at best. However, one thing to note is that even when part of (what we determine to be its epidermal layering) the creature is removed, its sensory system still remains intact to the removed sample. This allowing it (the severed piece) to act freely if separated by dismemberment. As for its intravenal system. Its blood seems to be inky black or deep maroon in color. What we found however, when this blood substance is exposed to the elements (for control readings room temperature), the viscous black ink seems to evaporate when air molecules are introduced... Unfortunately with this discovery we have also learned that its blood acts as a defense mechanism; A toxin within the blood reacts to the air in the form of a fog that can cause bleeding of the eyes, anuerysm and asphyxiation. Two scientists dead and one in critical condition was the result. After conducting more appropriate and quarantined testing on the blood we have found that its blood's resiliency towards multiple toxin's is phenomenal. Multiple samples with countless known diseases have proven that for the most part it cannot effectively be poisoned or susceptible to disease. Further inspection of its muscular system shows that there are no major bone structure yet from watching its motor functions in action, it is still able to independently lift and move itself about with ease. Having moved the creature into a pressure chamber we have noticed that it may even withstand max pressure (of the chamber) on its body with little trouble theorizing that the creature may be physically capable. As a thought, one of our lead scientists also attempted to place said specimen into a vacuum chamber to see how it would react to the effects of space. It can survive...We have also managed to test its durability and agility via live fire testing and has shown outstanding results. From small arms fire up to high caliber AP rounds and HE rounds it seems resilient to such kinetic energy and can move at nauseating speeds. We have learned that high frequency sound and UV light do seem to harm it, causing what we can only guess is akin to sun poisoning yet when removed from light and sound, it seems to return to more normal function. More casualties followed from this experiment and as such we have kept it in isolation under controlled UV light. Over the time accumulated from observing and testing this thing we have learned of one other thing. It seems that from what we have gathered, this specimen is able to mimic personnel and somehow can change form to match that of who is observing it. One final note...We...aren't exactly positive about this but we believe it has attempted to communicate with us on multiple occasions. We have run its vocals through multiple language translators, frequency amplifiers and other means but once again...Results were infantismal. Before I close this recording, I want to make a personal...unofficial note...Many of us who have worked with this....entity....this thing...The foremost mental note we took, aside from its looks...was its eye...there were about 20 of us when we first begun research on this thing...8 of us remain. Five total casualties, one in critical condition and the rest....Mental Institutions. Why? Because when this thing looked into your eyes...I'm sorry...I just feel terrible about it. That eye....That, insidious eye it has...How can something so remarkably beautiful have such eyes...Currently we have it sitting in CP-311-8 under level 2 UV control. For our next batch of researches coming along for the journey and who will inevitably deal with this creature...don't stare into its eye...Don't...[/color] [color=gray][b]Occupation/Concept:[/b][/color] [color=Black][i]'I am...abstract incarnate."[/i][/color] [color=gray][b]Training:[/b][/color] [color=9e0b0f]It is not certain as to what Krygyl has training wise, but it has been shown through observation that it is capable of hastily adapting to its environment and quick to learn, its instinctual reactions other worldly.[/color] [color=gray][b]Powers:[/b][/color] [color=9e0b0f]Unknown[/color] [color=gray][b]Equipment[/b][/color] [color=9e0b0f]Unknown[/color] [color=gray][b]Airship[/b][/color] [color=9e0b0f]N/A[/color] [color=gray][b]Motivation[/b][/color] [color=Black]"To...live..."[/color] [color=gray][b]Personality[/b][/color] [color=9e0b0f]Unknown[/color] [color=gray][b]Flaws[/b][/color] [color=9e0b0f]Innate superiority complex, apathey towards others, cynical[/color] [hider=From the depths of an abysmal subconciousness, a single entity was born] [color=gray][I]There was a void, one that echoed with an unnerving, unyielding silence which only broke for the periodical dripping of viscous liquid un its abyss. The drip's echo carried on, almost never coming into contact with any form of mass. One could akin such silence to that of recorded space. The eriee silence matched with what some would say "The beautiful symphony of life itself". But here...amongst this endless void, it was maddening. If a single lifeform was to stay for no more than a minute or two, they would fall into many forms of a broken psyche; Paranoia, schitzophrenia to say the least aside from other phobias relating to darkness and tricks of the mind. But in here...the silence broke.[/I][/color] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180509/3689e5d16676c141fa67435a1ea64694.png[/img] [color=gray][I]Soon, mass, darker than darkness itself begun to fill the void with a voice, tired and confused. Its voice broke the void's silence, still accompanied by the occasion phantom drip.[/i] [/color] [color=black][i]'Whaaaaat.....What is this?....This.....Feeling?....I feel....whole....complete....[/i][/color] [color=gray][i]A single eye opened, a deep, dim Amethyst eye whose pupil glowed with a bright tanzanite blue. It looked about the endless void.[/i][/color] [color=black][i]No....not complete....not yet....I am...I am missing something...Something about me is missing...what is it though?....These things....What are these things....They are attached to me....I reach out with them...I can feel....I shake....why....why do I shake....This place....it feels...hollow....empty.... Did I make this...this emptiness?...Many questions with many...unanswered...[/i][/color] [color=gray][i]The voice called out once more...[/i][/color] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180509/c68a3969307a92481a715b65fc2c5a52.png[/img] [color=gray][i]There was a flash, a blinding light that enveloped the void, causing the newly form being to shriek out in pain and agony. Its screams echoed through the endless black...Even after its form vanished. It screams and shrieks of anger and pain continued as it speed through space and time, like a meteor careening through space before it landed with a loud explosion within an opening of green, blue, brown and white. It did not know where it was as the white was blinding, causing it agony and pain. Its roars reverberated through the lake clearing where many denezens watched in horror as its tendrils lashed about, making impact with whatever it touched. Crushing men, women, children, the eldery. Its inky black tendrils whipped about in destructive defiance of this white pain. But...time progressed...and so the white became black once again... "Dr.Wilde, Officer Pin'kok...tell me everything that happened here...."[/i][/color][/hider][/hider]