hey all! i'm currently on the lookout for some partners, so here's a few things you might wanna know o: [b]about me[/b] └ i'm well over 18, and would like a partner preferably over 20, though I won't turn someone down who's 18+ necessarily └ i'm an email only player! :c discord for ooc chatter and plotting is cool though └ i'm cool with whatever pairing dynamics you want to play. m//, m/f, f//, nb, etc. └ my limits are pretty standard; not into toiletplay, bestiality, pedophilia, incest, or extreme gore. violence, blood, language, and smut are all fine though └ i double or triple or quadruple. i play poly or triangles or whatever idea you might have. very au friendly └ assume i'm caught up on all the fandoms listed below unless otherwise mentioned └ i like longer replies (3+ paragraph range for each character) └ i reply several times a week, and would appreciate at least 3 a week from you └ it really, really bothers me when people disappear. it's fine if you're not into the rp anymore, but please tell me. if it's something on my end, we can talk about it. i'm always willing to work with you! └ i will want to gush about our characters. i will want to talk about how they interact with each other and with the other main characters. i will want to create headcanons about them with you and about our pairs. i will want to plan out fluffy moments, angsty ones, romantic ones, and exciting ones. └ i will happily help pick out songs or pins for them- because i guarantee i will just love them that much. [right]what i'm looking for (bold characters are ones i want to play; if the canon you want isn't mentioned, please ask!) └ [b]preacher[/b] [b]f!oc[/b]/cassidy; will double as tulip or jesse └ [b]marvel cinematic universe[/b] [b]f!oc[/b]/loki, [b]f!oc[/b]/dr. strange; will double as just about anyone └ [b]inception[/b] [b]arthur[/b]/eames; not looking to double └ [b]the flash[/b] [b]f!oc[/b]/harrison wells (earth 2); will double as just about anyone └ [b]gotham[/b] [b]oswald cobblepot[/b]/edward nygma, [b]f!oc[/b]/sofia falcone, [b]lee thompkins[/b]/barbara kean, bruce wayne/jeremiah valeska, [b]f!oc[/b]/edward nygma, [b]m!oc[/b]/oswald cobblepot[/right] [center] [hider=Contact] grimmsandhooks@gmail.com [/hider][/center]