I am pleased to finally post the acceptees after much deliberating. Firstly, I would like to thank each and every one of you for the record number of interest to one of my roleplays. While I had originally had pictured a smaller group, the amount of exceptional character sheets made me reconsider my cap. While I wish I could have accepted, each and every one of you, there's no way I could have managed that many players and so with the interest of the story and compatibility in mind, I narrowed it down to the following people: [INDENT]◼ [@WXer] with Edward Brigandi ◼ [@Gobbo] with Jason McKinney ◼ [@Prosaic] with Baron O'Neil ◼ [@FantasyChic] with Winter Carlyle ◼ [@Dusksong] with Brynn Reyes ◼ [@Lasrever] with Ryan Mendoza ◼ [@Kalas] with Archie Black ◼ [@Nemaisare] with Lucas Bray ◼ [@melissahart] with Anneliese Warner ◼ [@Hillan] with Rita Ross ◼ [@Ruby] with Makayla Hall ◼ [@Stein] with Mikaela (Pending Final Edits) ◼ [@Tyler] with Emory Jones (Pending Final Edits)[/INDENT] Please find post your character sheets with the abilities removed to [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/172048-the-haunting-of-crestwood-hollow-a-supernatural-thriller/char#]Character Tab[/URL] and don't forget to Subscribe to the [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/172048-the-haunting-of-crestwood-hollow-a-supernatural-thriller/ooc]OOC[/url]. To everyone else, thank you again for applying and I appreciate all the effort each and every one of you put into your sheets.