Wow, this is getting more attention than I expected. Okay, so, first off, thanks for the interest, I'm happy to see so many applications. Of course, I do have to reiterate Inkarnate's point, as I'm thinking that maybe I wasn't clear enough in the OP, which is my fault, but I'll state it here. This RP is meant to be more of a parody of the classic adventure, more in line with something not so serious and having a group of 'qualified on paper but terrible in practice' sort of people. By that I mean that I really want this to be something more in line like what is found in an anime called KonoSuba, which is a comedy anime that essentially makes fun of classic tropes and archetypes. For example, there's a powerful Mage who has a spell that can level a playing field...but can only cast it once per day. Another character is a masochistic knight who couldn't hit water if she fell out of a boat. I'm looking for characters that are whimsical, yet interesting, so it shouldn't be taken [I]too[/I] seriously. Of course, knowledge of that anime isn't needed, but be in the mindset of "How can I spin this character into a parody" when making your people. I've glossed over the characters, some have the right idea, others don't, which is fine, I will be doing a review of the current applications by Friday and let people know if they're on the right track, with a pending Tuesday/Wednesday being when the decisions to who's being in the party are being made. If you have any questions or concerns, don't be afraid to ask. I'm more than happy to answer. tl;dr version: Keep in mind this RP is going to be a [u]parody[/u] when making your people. Reviews coming Friday, final decisions Tuesday/Wednesday/sometime next week.