Appearance: [img][/img] Name: Joanna Blackwell Age: 22 Gender: Female Orientation: Straight Relationship Status: Single Occupation: Bartender Favourite Books: [i]Lucky in Love[/i] by Carolyn Brown Personality: Jo is a really rough person on the outside, not at all lady-like but rather enjoyable to be around. She can joke with the guys, drink them under the table and even eat more pizza than they can but when it comes to girl things like shopping or primping, she's not so good at it. She's normally pretty easy going, but when someone crosses the line, she doesn't mess around. She actually really loves her job. It's exciting and she gets to meet a lot of interesting people. She tries to laugh a lot, displaying an outer image of someone who isn't bothered by what goes on around her. She comes off as rough and tough, with skin like iron. Nothing can take her down. She is cool, confident and brave. Brief Bio: Jo grew up with three older brothers. Needless to say she can take care of herself. Roll with the punches if you will. Her parents were pretty normal, her mom was a teacher, her dad worked in construction, nothing too crazy just ordinary people. She did pretty well in school, decent grades, played violin for a little while. When she went to college though, she was thrown into a world she wasn't quite ready for. She used up all of her money, and had to drop out of college in order to take more hours at the bar so she could keep her apartment. All in all, a pretty sticky situation. This semester she was able to afford two classes and is busting her ass to pass them all while working five nights a week at a rather popular bar. Oh, and the best part, her parents have no idea she dropped out to keep her apartment. Her brothers know, but she wanted to save her mom some heartbreak until things got a little better. Besides, she's a grown up, she can't expect her parents to bail her out of every sticky situation. Other: She has a huge tattoo on her back of a green dragon, jaws open wide, wings arching over her shoulder blades, blood dripping from extended claws, the whole nine yards. And I love Books :D Sounds fun!