[b][center]Kumori Yotsuki Kumogakure Genin Team 5[/center][/b] Kumo had a confused look on his face, thinking hard about something. Suddenly, he threw his hands up and fell backwards onto the ground. "Oh, I get it! He's the teacher! That means we have to catch him. Aw, that's boring, I want to be 'it'." Kumo turned his head around to watch his teammate trip over a wooden pole. "Wow, you must be stupid or something mister." Spinning his legs around, Kumo managed a perfect backflip off the ground to land on one foot, spinning around to face the direction their teacher had gone in the same fluid motion. Taking on a parody of an old man's deep voice, Kumo clasped his hands behind him and, still facing away from the two older Genin, said, "Plan? Plans are for fools. In battle, chaos is the only plan you need." Kumo spread his arms wide. In a whisper he said, "No, no plan. Now men, is the time to..." Raising his voice to a high pitched battle cry, Kumo turned and winked at his teammates and finished with, "CHARGE!" Whispering to himself under his breath, Kumo recited the handseals for the jutsu he knew. 'Dragon for power, tiger for flow, and hare for the rush." A jet of water came from Kumo's mouth, and he added the tiger seal to shape the water into a water copy of himself. The boy grabbed his much lighter water clone and threw it into the air, and with another blast of water he shot his clone, and the kunai it held - one in each hand and a third hidden inside its body, an explosive tag wrapped around the handle of the hidden one - through the air and across the field, right in the direction of the Jounin team leader. Kumo wasted no time and chasing after, as fast as his feet could carry him. If this was supposed to be a chance for each of the team five Genin to show what they were capable of, he wasn't going to hold anything back.