[hider=Lancer- I Believe the Term is "Shishou"] [img]https://images7.alphacoders.com/724/724419.png[/img] Name: [b][color=ed145b]Scáthach[/color][/b] Titles: Queen of the Land of Shadows, Witch of Dun Scaith, Lord of Spirits Class: Lancer Gender: Female Birth and Death Dates: ? ? ? Alignment: Neutral Good [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] A woman brimming with pride and confidence in her power, with a perfect understanding of the exact difference between herself and the mediocre. Although no one can deny her status as a queen once she claims it, her usual demeanour is more like a “teacher” to her allies and a “warden” to her enemies. Since this event is a rare chance to exist in the world for a time, she is able to accept calling a mage “Master” and conforming to other rules of the Grail War and world as a whole, although she is not willing to become some slave. Indeed, Lancer, who is aware of her status above normal people, has already decided to use he greatness to the benefit of the masses, being the “strong” who must protect the “weak.” Of course, she has her own desire in mind, as well. Lancer has a keen eye for the qualities of people. She will never be left confused about her own actions, and can see through the motivations and personalities of others. Her specialty in this case is determining the potential of the person in question and whether or not they are mediocre. This is an important ability for Lancer, who has little patience for those lacking courage. Naturally then, her favourite people are those with great courage. Not just a foolhardy warrior too confident in his strength, but a warrior possessing the same extreme quality she once saw in her greatest pupil. She will begin speaking like a teacher too easily if she meets an ally with potential in the modern world, but will remember herself before she goes too far. Lancer’s wish, whether from the grail or in battle, is to find the one who can truly and finally kill her. ...If there's any chance, she hopes that person will be her beloved student. [u][b]Bio[/b][/u] In Celtic mythology Scáthach or the Land of Shadows. Throughout her battles, Scáthach eventually ceased being human and started to be closed off from the World, unable to die as a human. She was known to be a master of combat and runes who many sought out for apprenticeship. At the age of sixteen, the hero Cú Chulainn traveled to the Land of Shadows in search of fame, and she became his mentor, guiding him in her arts and eventually granting him his favorite demonic spear, Gáe Bolg. She lamented, however, that she was too late in bestowing him that weapon as she had already reached the level where it was impossible for her to be killed by such a thing. Her sadness was made only greater as she used clairvoyance to foresee her pupil's demise but was forced to let him return to the world anyway. Eventually, the Land of Shadows itself became completely cut off from the mortal world, fully becoming a land of the dead. Still existing unto modern times and unable to become a Heroic Spirit on the Throne of Heroes, Scáthach has not ventured outside of the Land of Shadows for two thousand years. Unable to die, she can only wait until the time the World and its outside finally disappear. ...Well, that's how it ought to be. Just this once, perhaps as a "reward" for dutifully protecting her domain, she has been projected into the Lancer class. While she is not living exactly, Scáthach will retain her memories from this experience and cannot enter spirit form, though the latter may be supplemented with runecraft or wisdom. Although immortal, she can be "killed" as a Servant, at which point she will return to Dun Scaith. If it's a truly unparalleled attack, however, there is a chance it will be sufficient to end her completely, thus fulfilling her fondest wish. [u][b]Parameters[/b][/u] Strength: [b]B[/b] Endurance: [b]A[/b] Agility: [b]A[/b] Mana: [b]C[/b] Luck: [b]D[/b] [b][u]Class Skills[/u][/b] [b]-Magic Resistance A:[/b] Lancer can cancel spells of A-Rank or below targeting her, no matter what High-Thaumaturgy it is. In practice, she is untouchable to modern magi, so it would not be an exaggeration to title her a 'Magus Killer'. [u][b]Personal Skills[/b][/u] [b]-God Slayer B:[/b] A skill held as the gatekeeper of the Land of Shadows who kills divine spirits daily. Lancer gains a plus modifier when attacking Divine Spirits, wraiths, and Servants with the divinity skill. [b]-Primordial Rune:[/b] On a completely different level from the runes modern mages use, this is an incredibly powerful art spread about by the Norse god Odin. Even if it sounds like an unbelievable claim, it is accurate to say that Lancer is as capable with magecraft as she is with a spear. Most notably, her runes can be used for high-power attack, defence, healing, support skills, and parameter boosting, but there are countless combinations to write them in that can produce many different effects. [b]-Wisdom of the Haunted Ground A+:[/b] A skill produced through the endless experience of killing gods in the land of shadows, to the point of transcending humanity and being cut off from the world. Lancer can temporarily grant herself any skill with proficiency A~B rank, excepting those characteristic of specific heroes. She is able to impart skills onto those she recognizes as "true heroes," in which case the teaching process will be significantly sped up as she basically transfers a talent into their mind over time. [u][b]Noble Phantasms[/b][/u] Name: [b]Gáe Bolg Alternative[/b] Title: Soaring Spears of Piercing Death Rank: B NP Type: Anti-Unit Range: 5~40 Maximum Number of Targets: 50 people Description: Two spears forged from the bones of a terrible sea monster. Although similar, neither of them are identical to her pupil's spear, as they are both one step older. Once the true name is called there are two possible techniques which can be used individually or in immediate succession. The first is a close-ranged thrust which, should it make contact with the enemy, will immobilize them by pinning them in a spot in the air. The second possible application is a thrown attack guaranteeing the target's demise. As opposed to her student's thrust which inflicts an instant kill by manipulating cause and effect and relying on the enemy's misfortune, this attack brings about "certain death" simply by virtue of its extreme speed, accuracy, and damaging power. Name: [b]Gate of Skye[/b] Title: Gate to the Magical Realm Brimming with Death Rank: A+ Type: Anti-Army Range: 2~50 Maximum Number of Targets: 200 people Description: The privilege of Scáthach as ruler of the isle of Skye. She can temporarily summon a massive gate to the Land of Shadows which sucks in all life forms in range. If the target fails to resist it with their Mana or Luck stat, they'll be sucked into the gate and instantly killed. Even if resisted, the targets' mana is rapidly drained and they take major damage from the extreme force pulling at them. Scáthach can choose to exempt specific individuals from being drawn into the gate. [/hider]