[quote=@Vertigo] Wait, is he out? I must've misunderstood Raddum]s post and missed that last night then (which would make sense, considering I was operating half-asleep). If that [i]is[/i] the case, I for one hope [@Raddum] reconsiders, since it sounds like the pace issue was talked through and resolved. Dekkun was a wonderful addition to the team too, would be a shame to lose him. I'm not a super fast-paced poster either (usually few times a week/every other day at max, unless work or life gives me sudden extra responsibilities), but since RPs tend to be much faster in the beginning when everyone is excited and still trying to find common ground, I'm usually not worried about the pace in the start. It tends to even out pretty nicely, and now we talked it through anyway. If he did leave over this, I do feel personally responsible, since if I hadn't been bombarded with things yesterday, I could have posted and none of this would've happened. [/quote] Don’t blame yourself. This is my failure as the GM. I created the mugger to give everyone something to do while we waited for (what I anticipated to be a couple of days) everyone to finish their initial posts. It backfired horribly and I’ve learned a lot over this weekend. If Raddumn (or anyone) finds the pace more managable in a few weeks they’ll always be welcome to rejoin. And I want it to be known that I’m not upset for his reasons to drop and only blame myself.