[@blackdragon] First and foremost, I don't see what age she is; unless the sentence in her Magical Girl appearance hider is the age? Also, the image for her current appearance isn't working. Secondly, can you describe the "blasts of sickness" magic she has more clearly? Are they the same effects as her withering aura? Finally, there are a few issues with her backstory and sample post. I don't think the Detention Club would capture and torture her; the point of Dark Magical Girls is that they turned evil of their own choice. I'll need to discuss this with my Co-GM to see if this will be allowed or not. As for her sample post, some things don't make sense. One of the rules the Detention Club enforces is to not reveal themselves to the public, just as any Magical Girl wouldn't. It makes no sense for her to be robbing a bank and the Detention Club would never order her to. Consider these points and when you're ready, we'll look at her CS again. [@Squee] I'd like to know, did Sera kill the boy in her backstory? If so that's fine, though keep in mind the Detention Club enforces a no killing policy. Since this happened before she joined, it's allowed. Aside from that to consider, she's fine by me. Await the Co-GM's opinion.