Ok, I have some time to spare now so let get some reviews out of the way. [@floodtalon] Accepted, just remember to do the modifications required to reflect the changes in the CS template. [@Polaris North] While I would normally question plain guns as magical girl weapons in any other situation, for the context of this (especially since she doesn't have plain .45s anymore), I suppose it's alright. Accepted, just remember to do the modifications required to reflect the changes in the CS template. [@Rai] Most of your CS is ok, however, I feel that her magic may require a few slight tweaks to avoid making her too resilient. Basically a vague limit on how much she can heal herself and adding a handicap to that clone ability like "she keeps the damage of the worst hurt of the two when she merges back" or make it very taxing on her magic reserves, anything to avoid a character that may end up becoming too much of a brick wall. [@blackdragon] Since it requires more consideration, I'll think about your case and give an answer later when I have more time to spare.