Sarah Qallar woke early this morning, far earlier than she normally did and both her parents were surprised and oddly pleased. To them their daughter was growing up, but Sarah woke early so she could head down to the little creek that ran through the farm. She had seen some of the local fauna there before, the large eyed and slender-limbed deer that populated the area. She had seen a doe and several fawn and wanted to see them again. Making her way gingerly down towards the creek in the early morning fog she was eager to get there in case the deer left. The sky was usually vivid this morning the petite ten-year old thought as she paused to catch her breath. Dazzling streaks of light seemed to appear and vanish in the darker parts of the sky. Maybe it would rain the little girl thought as she inhaled the chilly air and continued her walk. A boom in the air made her pause, looking up she saw one of the fighters that were kept in space station roar overhead, following close behind it were several odd looking black wing like things. They looked like they were playing tag as the silver fighter thundered towards the far mountains, the others close behind it. Shaking her head the little girl turned towards the small creek when she saw them. Tall, armored warriors with glowing swords and lances. Large black eye sheilds stared at her as the closest one peered down at her. What looked like plasma staff held in its large hands. Before Sarah could scream she heard a shot followed by another and another as her father unloaded his rifle at the Angur-Ryllan warriors. The one who was reaching for her was hit twice and stumbled, falling to the ground. The others began returning fire, heavy lasers rippled through the air, slamming into the pudgy farmer, shredding the flesh from his bones. His scream echoing through the small valley, followed by his wife's cries. Sarah just stared at the dying Angur-Ryllan before her, her mind numb to all else as she watched a series of colors flash and twinkle under the skin of the creature. Slowly reaching out she touched the slick, clammy skin and shuddered. Withdrawing her hand, she gasps as the body stopped moving and the large eyes focused on her, dimming slowly, the flashing lights under the skin fading to nothingness. Looking up Sarah saw another silver fighter and another as they raced towards something on the other side of the valley. Standing slowly the little girl looked around, as an explosion rocked the area, kicking up dirt and debris high into the air. More of the strange creatures marched past her, they seemed focused on the small village that lay to the north of the farm. Not seeing her father or mother a stream of tears began as the little girl felt for the first time truly alone on this world.