[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/RabRrIL.png[/img][/center] [center][sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BshcCEAvSg]♪ Theme ♪[/url][/sub][/center] [i]Death was not what you expected. It was neither the heaven you were promised nor was it the black void that you were convinced it was. Instead it was an infinite tunnel of memories, sharpened to perfect recall, as if reliving your entire life for eternity. All the joys, despairs, heroic feats, defeats, and even the very moment that you past away, as if the universe was keeping your existence bottled for safe keeping. Strangely, you cannot seem to remember how long this eternity lasted or how many times you relived your life - was it only a hundred times or hundreds of thousands? Finally, however, you reached the end of the road. All your memories suddenly go blank only to be replaced by the image of a woman, robed in the purest of white and skin nearly as pale as snow. She looks down, a cowl permanently covering her eyes as she points down. You follow her direction and your gaze is met by a strange sight indeed - a familiar land, where you once lived, however it is covered by a permafrost and darkness. Before you can even attempt to protest this scene, her otherworldy voice echos against the void, [color=gray]"I have kept you for this very reason, my precious soul. She is dark and cold and dying - you and your brethren shall breath life into her once more. You must find the source of this death. The World is calling you..."[/color][/i] [h3][i]Premise...[/i][/h3] You will craft a hero, one that was a legend in their time and has long since passed away, but their deeds and myths have survived the passage of time. However, they have been reborn into this new reality, one where the land is dying, covered with permafrost, and a source of evil eats away at the World. The strange woman from the vision has hand picked your character for this task - be it because they saved the land, stopped a great evil, or spread goodness across the land or any number of great heroic deeds. All characters will start in the same location with the same rather cryptic message to save the World from an unknown "death." This is an epic adventure in a somewhat dark fantasy with the goal of battling one of the greatest evils to have existed yet. There is the mystery of what it is of course and the party will grow and fight together. However it is expected that characters are made in such a way to promote a community amongst themselves, so loners and anti-heroes are discouraged (but not banned). Right now this is simply an interest check (I can be a rather busy woman), so here is hoping that I can gather heroes for this journey! Feel free to let your imagination run wild with possibilities of who your hero might be, what legends they inspired, and what it is they bring to the table that is uniquely them. <3