[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/xFBpMDc.png[/img] [color=aba000][h2]Chiron [Lily][/h2][/color][i][h3]Yakuza Safehouse, Miyama Town[/h3][/i] [@Cu Chulainn] [@Scallop] [@Kyoka] [/center] Seeing that his contractor didn't seem to want any alcohol, though he was crying about alcohol for some damn reason, Archer proceeded to knock back another bottle of the same class as its predecessor, treating it as he had the other in tossing it behind him to shatter once he had finished it. A satisfied moan left him as he went out of his way to force his body to absorb the liquor faster than any mortal man could have, his expression split by a lazy grin as the familiar haze of drunkenness settled over his mind. [color=aba000]"Theeeere we go. Testin', testin', one two three. Donnie, I got a line?"[/color] [sub][i][color=bc8dbf]"Gotcha loud and clear, Chi."[/color][/i][/sub] After taking the time to converse aloud with an unknown presence by the apparent name of 'Donnie', whom Gin was unable to see, hear, or anything along those lines, Archer took a few stumbling steps forwards, looking his Master over with an almost skeptical look as the latter wept in place. [color=aba000]"Eh, guess you'll do kid. Alright, listen here 'cause I ain't gonna say it twice. Name's Chiron, guess ya'd call me Servant Archer. If ya mix me up with the wise teacher prick then I'll deck ya, I'm that OG god. If ya summoned the hero me, ya'd be shit outta luck."[/color] After taking a moment to consider the fact that "OG" was not a term that existed in the nineteenth century, and another moment to feel some silent annoyance at the irrelevance of the time axis to his source's existence, Archer heaved out a sharp exhale before continuing. It went without saying that said exhale reeked of booze. [color=aba000]"What can I do? Kid, weren't ya listening to that musical number? Ya just got yourself a one-way ticket ta victory. I scream at people and they die, I make booze without payin' for it, I do a little dance and then shit gets [i]real[/i] crazy, believe you me." "These, uh, Noble Phantasm things? Easy. First one's I make ya into a hero, either ya become the fuckin' strong, or ya die. And no, I ain't usin' it on you yet. Way ya are now, ideal self's too weak, ya gotta build the fundamentals more so I have somethin' to jack up, or it's not worth it. Second one's my cave. I find a place, I make it, I hang out there. There's, uh, some other shit it does, but we'll get ta that later."[/color] Seemingly ignoring the crisis that his Master was undergoing, Archer wordlessly hefted the poor sap up and lifted him over his short squatty shoulder. [color=aba000]"Stop fuckin' moping. You can see what I do when we get into fights, so let's go explore. Holin' up here's boring, we'll find somewhere I can set up my cave, but till then we've gotta live a little. Gotta get a feel for the local bar scene so I know where ta set up my cave too, anyway."[/color] Uttering these words, the Archer departed from the yakuza safehouse, Master in tow, and began his exploration of Miyama's bars. This, for the whole, went as one would expect. He began examining Miyama for any and all bars, but after several minutes of dragging his deadbeat Master around and feeling the minute presences of nearby Servants who had likely been recently summoned, he chose to tap into his own abilities, granting himself far-sight and moving onto a building to speed this process up, ignorant to what people might think of a fat man on a building roof in broad daylight. A mere moment later, the synthesis of his sight as an Archer and his senses as a Servant allowed him to reach the startling conclusion that in a nearby bar which looked to be anything but booming, the telltale presence of a Servant was present. One could expect what happened next. [color=aba000]"Hey, kid, looks like another team's already partyin'! We ain't gonna lose to them!"[/color] This realization stoking Archer's rampant alcoholism, he proceeded to dart off, Master in tow, towards the nearby bar. The Master and Servant within it would have perhaps a scant moment of sensing the approaching presence before the door to the bar slammed open, revealing Chiron and his Master as the former straddled in. [color=aba000]"Yo, barkeep, get me a bucket filled with grain alcohol, and the kid can get a sippy cu-"[/color] Archer's voice died off in his throat mid-sentence as he gaped forwards at the interior of the bar. Not only was he shocked because there was no barkeep, but because of the individuals within this sad excuse for a bar. He was so shocked, in fact, that he dropped the yakuza who had been hoisted onto his shoulder, letting him fall to the floor haplessly, as he strode forwards and pointed at the Servant present. Yes, after all, the person there could not be [i]that woman[/i]. As a Divine Spirit who had been summoned, Archer knew this better than anyone else, and so facing someone wearing the appearance of [i]that woman[/i], he reacted in the only way that he knew how. [color=aba000]"Who the fuck are ya and why're ya cosplaying as my [b]hoor[/b] niece?!"[/color]