The crew chuckled at the girl's audacity. The captain was in control here. No doubt, he'd refuse her, using some political language or such to deny her request. The only response received from the man, being a silent nod to his quartermaster, Meeks, before turning around to walk into his cabin. Mister Meeks didn't say anything, and approached the girl. The face he made wasn't threatening, but rather pity. In other ways, he was impressed by her courage, and only a few have believed that Meeks was actually one of the more sympathetic on the crew. Unlike most, he was also one of the few recruits who felt that they were being driven by a madman. He's seen what the captain can do, and in truth, he may be a cowardly quartermaster, but he continued to follow him nonetheless. The last time someone tried to depose Captain Low, didn't end very well, and the last thing he wanted to do, was an attempt to cross him. Even though he had good judgement, he was reluctant to even use it, due to the fact that Ned had a few loyal men at his disposal. Gripping her upper arm, and gesturing her to stand, he non-forcibly led her towards the [url=]captain's cabin[/url]; the stares, and a few light chuckles from the fellow crew lingering behind them. Opening the door, the quarters of Low were decent; not as rich. But by the lack of maps and books, shows that this man is almost seemingly an amateur to this life, or had just recently stole the ship an amount of time before arriving in Port Royal. The captain himself was sitting in that wooden chair, a few feet from the door, in front of a decent-size desk that almost looked more like a wooden table...along with an all-too-familiar Commodore hat sitting on it, along with an all-too-familiar dress in one of the chairs. Ned just happened to notice the entrance of Mister Meeks and his prize; blue eyes neutrally watching her, his quartermaster sat the girl in a wooden chair, that was at a good distance across from Ned. "For a lovely lady, I'm impressed", his nonchalant Irish-English voice responded, having no emotion in it, as usual. "For you, to be found as treasure, you're the ticket for trade", he raised the hand that was sitting on the desk, and the golden medallion hung on the chain, showing it on display for Abigail.