[center]"Such beauty, such grandeur, such magic in this place, Fahlalalala, yadda-yah, indeed what a grace. However, behind every beauty is an ugly, What lies beyond its facade is but a mystery."[/center] Irah continued to look at the castle and its surroundings. Having been born and lived in Wonderland all her life, she knows that nothing is what they seem. Despite with the school's majesty and grandeur, Irah can't help but feel something odd about this place. Whether it be just wishful thinking or a gut-feeling, Irah mysteriously felt uneasy for the first time in her life. Whatever it is, she vowed to unlock and know the secrets of this so-called 'academy'. After all, you can't keep a secret forever. Irah saw someone waving at her. Curious, she approached the person and quickly did a rundown on her. "Hmm, let's see here. Blonde, blue eyes, perfect skin, regal composure, and a face brimming with natural beauty. You must be a princess." Irah removed her top hat and curtsied before putting it back on. "M'lady, I am Irah Hightop, child of the Mad Hatter and citizen of Wonderland. How lovely it is to make your acquaintance." [hr] [@sassy1085]