Edwyn had seen the fairy being repelled by Gray's coldness from the corner of his eye. She then walked away from him without a word, clearly upset at what had happened. He decided not to call or go after her, but he continued thinking. She obviously possessed some sort of ice-related ability, but to what extent? The fairy she had tried to reach out to then settled on his hand for warmth, joining the first one. That was when an idea came to mind. He reached into his pocket with his other hand and pulled out a piece of candy before crushing it into tiny pieces. The fairies took a piece each when he offered it to them. He then popped the rest into his mouth before waving them goodbye as they flew off, fairly certain that he would see them again. It would seem that Gray was not the only latecomer, for yet another teen turned up at the gates, one he did not expect to see. So, Gold was a first-year as well. What were the chances of that? The boys had first met not too long ago, and hopefully the witnesses of a certain... accident, were still keeping their silence. Bribery with gold was not going to work in the long run. These people would just keep asking for more, but the information Edwyn had against them? Now, that was more effective. They would not be too smart to spill the beans. He shot Alexander a grin and gave him a small wave. [@Blueflame]