[center][h1][color=crimson][i]ƊЄƧMƠƝƊ[/i][/color][/h1][/center] Desmond did not share the slight enthusiasm Baradiel showcased, whether real or faked, and simply replied in his typcial serious way [color=crimson]"I need to grab Ikaruga first."[/color] He darted back into his room, and came shortly back out with a katana sheathed in a silver-decorated sheathe attached to his hip [color=crimson]"Ready."[/color] He stepped onto the teleportation rune, right palm resting on the top of the sword's hilt. A small nod was sent Alphonse's way as they vanished from the Seattle HQ and reappeared in the London HQ. Once there, Desmond stood in place for a few seconds to get his bearings. Crimson eyes looked around the office with interest though he didn't appear to be that impressed. Luxuries were something he learned to live largely without [color=crimson]"Lady Alice should be staying here."[/color] Desmond spoke taking a few steps around the room, Alice deserved only the best in his opinion. He thumbed the top of the hilt idly, tension clearly present in the way his body was stiff. It didn't sit well with him to be so far away from Alice, even if he had access to teleportation. At this far distance away, protecting her would prove difficult should she require him. [color=ed1c24]"Let's get this patrol over quickly."[/color] With Ikaruga, his mother's blade, at his side he would make fast work of any threat they found. The blade had taken down many fallen angels under his mother's swordsmanship, and developed an almost sentient thirst for their blood it felt like.