[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=ForestGreen]Ayita Dyrkin[/color] & [color=Olive]Richard Laine[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.gifer.com/NXWb.gif[/img][img]https://i.gifer.com/IdAq.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [center] [b][color=ForestGreen]Location[/color][/b] Blackbird[/center] [hr][hr] Ayita smiled down at Allison as the woman collapsed into the shifter. It was a small one, but for Ayita such small feats spoke volumes. Wrapping her scarred arms about the Seer, the Alaskan born woman gave a chuff of irritation. [color=ForestGreen]"You did not fail. At least you could do something."[/color] Ayita sent via the mind link she had developed during the last mission. [color=ForestGreen]"Stark is here and holding the plane as well. We are not safe, but you shall come to no harm."[/color] Though much could be said in the negative about Ayita, she did not lie. Her word was her bond and strong as the ancient trees she had once stood under and sought to do so again. If helping to forge a peace between human and mutant would ensure her wilderland home was a safe place were human would not seek to snatch her away? Then she would fight tooth and claw for it. Just as she would fight any who thought to threaten her brother or Allison. Heck, she was tossing Lance into the mix. From what she gathered, he had aided her friend and for that she was grateful beyond words. Richard groaned aloud. While he was all for the relax and let things play out style, the not-so-much former assassin was hardly going to call this 'out of the woods'. They were not going to be safe til the politician who caused this was kissed by his own fangs. When Jakobson was six feet under and in multiple pieces... Cold and dead. Then Richard would take it easy. [color=Olive]"Do not assume safety."[/color] He hated to scare the children but they could not afford to assume. The kids were their life line right now. The number one rule of society, or rather the taboo, was hurting children. Sure people did it. But there was always a high price to pay if you were caught. [color=Olive]"It would have been better if those Sentinels had followed us."[/color] The man muttered into a hand that covered his mouth, channeling is words to his sister. Ayita frowned at her brother's words. Innocents would be hurt if these 'Sentinels' had followed them and the chance of dying would have been higher. [color=ForestGreen]"Why? They will hunt again."[/color] Her quite voice lowered as she leaned her head against the smooth fabric of her brother's shoulder. [color=Olive]"Proof in part. Humans are a stubborn lot. While we do have the upperhand with them attacking kids. It's our words against theirs. We could have mistaken them for another faction. Less popular. If they had followed us... That would have been harder to do."[/color] Richard shook his disheveled hair from his snake eyes. [color=Olive]"As it stands we've lost the manor, and thus literally ground. Putting us as 'leeches' on the system, which someone might point out. Something no one looks kindly on."[/color] His eyes were troubled as he looked over the sea of brats and their incompetent 'team'. The younger lain shifted nervously, sensing her brother's temper turning foul. [color=ForestGreen]"Can you not-?"[/color] Her mind brushed against his. Earning her a sharp look and a deeper growl from the man. The touch of death was a chilling one and Richard felt cold fury run through his veins. Making a sharp motion with his hand for Ayita to silence that particular line of questioning the Adder felt a venomous hiss stir in his chest. It would not be easy, it would give Jakobson more ammunition. Which he did not need. [color=Olive]"Do not [i]ever[/i] mention that. Think it. But never mention it aloud."[/color] His order was met with wide amber eyes and nod as Ayita eyed the agitated Adder nervously. Richard would not harm her, nor would the Adder, but they was point in poking a cobra with a stick. Literally.