[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=cc33ff]Guinevere Stark[/color], [color=a64dff]Folly Valeska[/color][/i][/b], and [b][i][color=0072bc]Dean Kesseli[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s9.postimg.cc/9kyomr1nz/ezgif-4-74c91444c7.gif[/img][hr][color=cc33ff][b]Location:[/b][/color] Blackbird[/center][hr][hr] Guin couldn't help but grin as her dad showed up. Sure, she was incredibly excited from several successful shots on the Sentinels, having managed to knock a fair deal of them out of the sky. But having her dad there to help out? It definitely soothed her nerves. He had beaten aliens coming to Earth, then there were the multiple Hammer incidents, including the horrifying one with Kilgrave....He shut down entire cells of the Ten Rings. She always felt safe with her father around. [color=cc33ff]"Grow up, Cass,"[/color] Guin teased, rolling her eyes. [color=cc33ff]"It was just a kiss - our first kiss, actually."[/color] Guin kept one hand on the glorified joystick, taking the watch from Cass with the other. It ended up being the one from the future and it activated, a pixelated holographic video playing out in front of Guin and Cassandra. [hider=Another Holographic Video Message!][i]Guin, I know you're probably thinking the same thing that I am - that this isn't going to work. The science remains the same regardless of the time we're in and there's a large chance that no matter what we do, the passage of time is going to correct itself...But I need you to do something either way. One small change won't make the future for everyone better, but it will for Pietro. I remember how deeply in love with him I was getting to be - well, you are becoming - back then. And five years into this hell hole, Wanda is going to die and it will break him. He won't be the same. He won't talk to anyone for weeks. If you can change anything at all, save Wanda Maximoff. Push her and Pietro to make up as soon as possible. This is terrifying, I realize, but it's worth doing. I love him. I know you do too. Also...Keep an eye out on my big guy for me, will you? Play a round of Pac Man against him or something. He needs to smile a little more.[/i] [/hider] Guin stared at the hologram for a moment, before she casually chucked the watch away from her, just stunned. It was all getting to be a bit too much. Yes, she loved Pietro - she really did. But O.M.E.N. was trying to kill them, Lance had just come to the mansion and they would've been living in the same place for the first time in what felt like forever, and now she was getting requests from her future self - who apparently [i]married[/i] Pietro - to save Wanda, the very person who caused Guin's mutation to come out? She took a deep breath, scratching at her wrists as she felt more and more overwhelmed. Oh, and that wasn't to forget the most troubling thing - that apparently Mary had [i]died[/i] in the original timeline. Pietro raced over to her, gripping her wrists to stop her from scratching at them, and he was confused. Why would Guin be having a panic attack now of all times? She hadn't had one before. His future counterpart noticed, and walked over, kneeling down by her, [color=A6C1C3]"Hey, whatever happens, it'll be alright, don't worry Malo Guina,"[/color] he said to her softly, standing up to his full height again. Folly glanced over from her seat, watching as both speedsters busied themselves with Guin. Her hallucinations had stopped for the moment and she turned to watch Mary again. She'd never seen her friend acting as the leader of the X-Men. In fact, she had only seen Mary directly defying Cyclops and Professor X's express orders - of course, it had been for a good cause. Folly couldn't help but smile sadly as she thought back on that. Mary had brought her a plant, just so her room wouldn't look so much like the cell it really was. She wasn't worried about Thalia - she had faith in her friend. She had known Thalia for a long time and doubted that she could be killed so easily. [color=a64dff]"She killed an Asgardian before,"[/color] Folly whispered to no one in particular. Thalia had burned the Goddess of Death alive in front of her. If Sentinels were all that it took to kill Thalia...it would have been a pity. She also couldn't help but wonder about Jakobsen - he had seemed so nice when she first met him. Folly even liked his wife. Poor Alcie, though...Folly couldn't help but feel bad for her. Dean stared at Lance. [color=0072bc]"I'm not dumb. But look, Jakobsen sucks if you're not human, yeah....But the last guy? He sucked for[i] everyone.[/i] And I'm not saying that I want Jakobsen to be elected...just that he wouldn't be the worst president in our history,"[/color] Dean mumbled. He nodded in agreement with Carolina. He knew that they'd be able to get out on top of this. Jakobsen was incredibly charismatic, but there had to be footage out there of O.M.E.N. storming the mansion - or at least photographs now of its remains. [color=0072bc]"Look, we've got the kids of the freaking [i]Avengers[/i] here with us,"[/color] Dean pointed out. [color=0072bc]"And unless Thor's Asgardian kids are backing Jakobsen - if he has any, I mean - I think we'll get a fair shake...Do you really think Guin Stark's dad couldn't afford enough lawyers to make some changes? Get Jakobsen at least so far under investigation he doesn't even have time to run?"[/color] Meanwhile, Guin was just staring at the two speedsters. [color=cc33ff]"....What does Malo Guina mean...."[/color] she muttered, trying to take deep breaths. But it was honestly freaking her out even more, having both of them there. It wasn't that she wanted them to go away, but more that she felt like she knew how the rest of her life was going to play out and there was nothing she could do about it. Add onto that the mortal jeopardy her friends were in, with the current political climate more anti-mutant than it had been in years, and it was a recipe for an anxiety attack. [color=7ea7d8]"...It means little Guin..."[/color] the younger one said, and his counterpart just nodded. [color=A6C1C3]"We are here to prove that the future isn't set in stone, you get to make your own choices Malo Guina... Your future isn't written yet..."[/color] the future one said. Guin nodded slightly, before she frowned. She hadn't mentioned what was freaking her out - so how did Future Pietro know about that? And she wasn't too sure how she felt about the [i]Malo Guina[/i] nickname - did that mean he was going around calling her counterpart Big Guin? Or Old Guin? Or Not-As-Young-As-She-Used-To-Be Guin? She took another deep breath, feeling another pang of anxiety hit her. [color=cc33ff]"H-how did you know that was what was going through my head?"[/color] [color=A6C1C3]"...I know you way too well... Not to mention I'm pretty sure you figured out who I was married to..."[/color] he said softly. [color=cc33ff]"Wait, was? Did....Did I die in the future or something? Did we divorce?"[/color] Guin asked, feeling confused and panicked now. The message from the future she just watched indicated she was alive and healthy, as well as still with Pietro. [color=A6C1C3]"No, bad choice of words I guess... Used to speaking more in Serbian than in English..."[/color] She nodded, her thoughts flickering to P.H.I.L. and the test she had done that morning of his Serbian language capabilities. They had been horrible. But if Pietro in the future was used to speaking in Serbian more than English, either she learned Serbian or P.H.I.L. had stopped threatening to kill Pietro. Her mind then flickered back towards how awkwardly close Cass was to them, but the Blackbird was cramped right now anyways. They wouldn't have been able to talk in private. [color=cc33ff]"So in the future...we're...we're married...."[/color] [color=A6C1C3]"Yeah... We are..."[/color] he said, not wanting to mention the other part. Guin nodded again, beginning to feel a little bit light headed. She loved Pietro, but she didn't feel ready for marriage - at all. Her father wasn't even married and he had been dating Pepper for almost a decade now. The last person in her family to get married had been her grandfather - and he died before Guin was even born, likely in some sort of cover up scheme. Her hands were going clammy and she kept staring at the two speedsters, her brain accelerating rapidly as it went into overdrive, trying to figure everything out and reconcile pieces of information. She wasn't even paying attention to the controls on the weapons systems anymore. The two speedsters remained silent, unsure of what else to do. [color=cc33ff]"...I think you might want to let go of my wrists or we might switch..."[/color] Guin mumbled, looking at the younger Pietro. [color=cc33ff]"And don't take me freaking out the wrong way...I do love you...him....both of you? It's confusing...I...I don't know....Like this stuff isn't something I was ever exposed to - the marriage stuff but also the time travel stuff and being hunted like animals because we're mutants..."[/color] Pietro let go of Guin, and the future one nodded. [color=A6C1C3]"Yeah, this sort of thing is kind of the normal for me... I'm used to being on the run all of the time,"[/color] he said. Guin almost instantly went back to nervously scratching at her wrists, finding the motion helped to calm her nerves ever so slightly. [color=7ea7d8]"Stop it!"[/color] the younger Pietro said, grabbing her wrists, making sure that he had his hands covered so she wouldn't accidentally switch with him. [color=cc33ff]"Sorry, this is just freaking me the fuck out,"[/color] Guin muttered. [color=cc33ff]"This type of stuff doesn't happen in real life...It's like a messed up sequel to [i]Star Wars[/i]...Like [i]A Very Potter Musical[/i] where they can't go forward anymore so they go back..."[/color] [color=A6C1C3]"Well, we also have a time dragon on our side..."[/color] Future Pietro said, [color=A6C1C3]"I never thought dragons existed at all."[/color] [color=cc33ff]"...Why didn't I come back?"[/color] [color=A6C1C3]"Needed someone to keep an eye on things back there..."[/color] Guin raised an eyebrow. [color=cc33ff]"Okay, I think this is all a really bad acid trip, because there's dragons, a terrorist organization randomly attacking us out of nowhere, Nina is being helpful instead of a slut, you have an extremely muscular future self, but you know what's really insane? Me being put in charge of things. I'm not Princess Leia, man. I'm Han Solo. I show up at the last minute in the Falcon - I don't run the rebel base."[/color] [color=A6C1C3]"Yeah, well things change..."[/color] [color=cc33ff]"Whatever you say, Doc Brown..."[/color] Future Pietro just rolled his eyes in response.