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[/color][/right][center][h3]========= [color=#fba3d5]❀[/color] =========[/h3][/center] [Indent][indent][color=#00ddff]"I hate him. I really do. I hate his dirty money, his stupid voice and, most of all, I hate that we have to put up with him for another [i]whole year[/i]."[/color] Alice Weather had been listening to Finn ranting about Ricardo Ignacio and his antics ever since the last bell rang to signal the end of another torturous school year. He was doing that thing where his arms flapped about wildly whenever he spoke about something he was truly passionate about. Alice couldn't help but feel a twitch of amusement at her friend's fury, but a large part of her felt the same way he was feeling. She had been having such a good day before Ricardo had to come along and ruin it. She had finally made plans for the summer (most of which involved hanging out with Finn, so nothing out of the ordinary), exchanged numbers with a few people to keep in touch, and gave boxes of chocolates to her favourite teachers - or bottles of wine, if you count her calculus teacher that had painstakingly helped her every day to scrape a pass. And then, just as she was beginning to feel that excitement for finally being able to leave this place, that idiot had to humiliate her and, more importantly, Finn, in front of the entire school. Alice and Finn had been not-so-subtly passing notes across the classroom to each other when the PA sabotage took place. At first, Alice allowed herself to smile with the rest of the class - it wouldn't be the end of the school year without Ricardo there to make it one to remember. She had had to stop herself from rolling her eyes at Victoria Steel's superlative. It was almost as if he was paying respect out of some legal requirement to her before addressing all students and teachers alike. But when she heard Finn's name, her head whipped around immediately to meet his gaze, which held nothing but mild annoyance and the slight flush of embarrassment as all eyes landed on him. She had almost gasped out loud, however, as her name echoed through the PA system, and all eyes were now on her, waiting for a reaction. Gritting her teeth, Alice suddenly became very interested in the notebook in front of her, scribbling intelligible gibberish and avoiding everyone's gazes until Ricardo moved on and she was promptly forgotten. Biggest Wannabe? What did that even mean? She knew the answer before the question had even finished forming in her head. Of course it was about Vicky - what part of her life wasn't about her drop-dead gorgeous ex-best friend? She and Ricardo were as thick as thieves; the Untouchable King and Queen of Oak Pointe High, and anything Ricardo did, Vicky had a say in. It had been such a shock to hear her name read out in front of everyone nonetheless, even if Finn's had been right before hers. She didn't even realise that Ricardo Ignacio knew who she was, never mind her past with Vicky. [color=plum]"Yeah, I know he's an asshole, Finn, but why are you so worked up about it? You've never cared that much before." [/color]She finally spoke for the first time since the incident, her sharp accent making her anger at everything in general all the more tangible. [color=#00ddff]"Yeah, that's because he's never brought you into it before, 'Lis. He wants to torment me 'till the end of my days? Cool. Bring my best friend into it? I'll rearrange his face."[/color] Alice couldn't help but roll her eyes at that. As serious as he seemed, she knew for a fact that Finn was no fighter. She had seen him on the verge of tears after she tickled him, for Christ's sake. He would not be rearranging anyone's face anytime soon. [color=plum]"How heroic of you. Don't worry about it. I couldn't care less about what Ricardo Ignacio thinks of me or you. There's no need for you to 'defend my honour' or whatever other courageous plans you may have."[/color] Even so, as they left the school building, Alice couldn't help but catch the stare of both Victoria Steel and the man of the moment himself, aimed directly at her and Finn. Pushing away the twist of apprehension she felt under their gazes, she opted to distract Finn from the focus he seemed to hold on clenching and unlenching his fists in a manner that would've been threatening, if it had been anyone else. [color=plum]"Hey, listen. My mum's out tonight with Damien, so you can come over if you like; watch movies, chill. Or, we could go out somewhere? Someone's bound to be having a party, what with it being the last day of Hell and all." [/color]A smirk that held a lot more optimism than she felt graced her features as she spoke. She knew Finn couldn't say no to the prospect of alcohol, especially not now. Truth be told, she wouldn't say no to a few drinks at the moment herself. Her stepfather had mounted the pressure on her to 'behave herself' and be 'his good little girl' even moreso than he usually did these past few weeks, so him leaving was a rare chance for her to really let her hair down and have fun. The guilt Finn felt upon hearing Alice's offer turned his attention away from the infuriating face of Ricardo and onto the hopeful expression spread across her features. Of course, Alice, being Alice, didn't want to spend the rest of the day fuming about what some guy said about her. He was so used to the digs Ricardo made towards him, it had become a part of his everyday life. It wasn't something he was particularly annoyed about - in fact, he he hadn't even felt that angry towards the guy until now. Him being mentioned as part of the big speech had hardly surprised him, but when Alice's name was called? That's when he had seen red. Even watching her now out of the corner of his eye, he couldn't imagine anyone wanting to hurt her, but he knew she could handle herself. In fact, many times she had stuck up for him when he couldn't - she was a tough one, but he saw her as a little sister nonetheless. That was one part of their relationship that few people undeestood. Yeah, they clicked. Yeah, they could spend hours talking about the most pointless shit ever. And yeah, they could make each other smile in even the darkest of times, but there was nothing there romantically. Sure, she was a pretty girl and she had admitted to him that he wasn't bad looking for being so hopeless, but the topic of them being together was enough to have them crying with laughter every single time it was brought up. At moments like this, Finn found it hard to picture anything that could come between them. [color=#00ddff]"You know the way to my heart, kiddo." [/color]Slowing down as they reached the parking lot, he reached down to tousle her hair, only to have her smoothly dodge it as if she had seen it from a mile away. [color=#00ddff]"Now, most men would say food is what they desire most, but give me a shot of tequila and a fun night then I'm all yours." [/color]His amusement towards his best friend increased tenfold as he watched her dig into every single one of her pockets, brows furrowed and mouthing curses. She was, of course, looking for her keys - the keys to that hideous car of hers that Victoria had bought for her once upon a time. It baffled Finn that they had been friends once, they were so different. Come to think of it, though, he didn't mind the thought of them having a sexy slumber party or something. He had once voiced this thought to Alice and received a well-deserved punch and a lecture on sexism and the objectification of women. Typical. [color=#00ddff]"Looking for these?" [/color]Dangling the keys in front of her face, Finn let them drop into her outstretched hand, his gaze already searching for where she had parked. They both seemed to locate the whereabouts of Alice's car at the same time, judging by their synchronised swearing. Of course the light blue Fiat 500 was sat right next to where Vicky and Ricardo happened to be talking. Finn was about to turn away and start walking home when Alice grabbed him by the sleeve and started marching forward, purpose in her step. [color=plum]"We are going to go over and very politely ask them to move, and they will move. If they do not, Finn, I swear to God I will run them over. I am not letting them stand in our way for another year. Come on."[/color] [/Indent][/indent]