"A...AAAAAAAAAaaaagh....!" The scream that came from the specialized cell came at 30 miinute intervals every day. By this time the normal crimials had gotten used to it, and no llonger heard the cries of a woman none of them knew. The sound came so often now they'd come to overlook it, though none of them knew why she screamed every day. Behind the rows of cells, separated by a thick rock wall was the construction zone of highly personalized cells, for highly personalized type of inmates. The one in particular the screaming was coming from was a giant hexagon, made of stone and glass with viewing windows all around. The interior of the cell had one way mirrors lined all around it, and the screaming captive could only see her own reflection wherever she glanced. Within, there was a specialized bed made without metal of any kind, and built entirely out of wood. A restroom, naturally... and in the center a metallic chair that looks only fit to be put in a dentists room. At the head of the chair, a long rope with semi conductive metallic properties tied to the inmates neck,. A metal collar, where the rope connected, was fitted tightly to the long slender neck and at every thirty minutes, dragged the inmate back into the chair where her hands were locked tightly and feet strapped in by metal bonds. From there the metal chair would fulfill its dire purpose. Essentially, the chair was a generator and the inmate a giant battery. The life force was sucked out of the womans body and then used to power the entire jail. Though her power was plentiful, it required more energy every thirty minutes to continue working. The Warden at first deemed this practice of utilizing the womans powers inhumane. However, after a torrential rain by victims and city officials he had agreed to the practice and today admtis its the best thing he's ever done in terms of cutting electricity costs, and keeping the public safe. It was a win-win for those holding her. Free electricity, and a way to keep the inmates abilities so low constantly that she could not escape if she tried. Now her screaming died down, and the woman whimpered slowly. As they did every time without her power, tears escaped her eyes and drool ran down her lips. The chair made a clicking sound, signalling it was done holding her back. Shakily, she sat up and spit up onto the floor, her tongue remedying looming taste of bile as it constantly did after she was pulled into the chair. More and more she found she hated it.... and even feared it. She had struggled to resist it multiple times, every time the collar on her neck pulled her toward with its damn rope, strangling her while pulling her backwards until she gave into the chair. Limping weakly, the inmate pulled herself into her bed and closed her eyes, silently praying night would come soon, the only time the prison didn't need electricity so much and she was only pulled from slumber three times to give the prison a boost just in case it needed to kickstart again. But now, during the day Krystaal was constantly sickly, bile at the back of her throat ready to come out but never quite making it past her lips. She closed her eyes, rocking back and forth on the wooden bed as her black hair pressed to her foreheads cold sweat, wishing her sweep of illness to dissapear. From up in the audience chamber, looking down through the one way mirrors on the side you could look through, the Warden made his rounds. He looked at his clipboard, findiing the name "Marion Mirrors; Krystaal" and checked it off. He smiled, folding his arms rather proud of the prison he had found such a way to keep public safety in. Why, they were even planning on giving him a medal for finding highly effective ways to keep this new era of 'supervillains' under lock and key. Mayor eat your heart out.