Name: Rebecca Fletcher Age: 360 Supernatural Race: Undead sorceress (lich) Race: English Glamour Appearance: A redheaded woman in her early twenties, with green eyes and fair skin. True Appearance: The same, but heavily rotted. Muscles and organs are clearly visible throughout her body, and there is a massive scar stitched over her heart. Close examination will reveal the wound to be what killed her. Personality: For a dead girl, Rebecca's pretty lively. She enjoys partying and drinking, and has a bit of hedonistic flair to her. That said, she also has a lot of honesty and courage- seems her fears more or less died with her body. Another notable trait is her desire to try to stem the growing violence of Gravette, hoping to negotiate peace between the hunters and the nonviolent supernaturals. Bio: Rebecca's age makes her a veritable treasure trove of experience- she was actually present at the Salem Witch Trials, although uncaught. Born to moderately successful farmers outside Lancaster, England, the family moved to the colonies, where her father was able to become mayor of their small village. As a teenager, she developed a sensitivity to ghosts, and further experimentation revealed a natural talent for necromancy, although she kept it hidden. In 1700, she caught smallpox, and having always been a little frail, she knew she wouldn't survive. Rebecca delved into what information she could find on dark magic, and placed her soul into a crystal, then ripped her own heart out so she could place the crystal inside her corpse to reactivate it. For centuries, she wandered the wilds, until she came across Darnies. who made her a talisman so she could pass for living. Now, she owns a bar named Paradise, which is a popular hangout for supernaturals. She's trying to get the hunters and supernaturals to recognize it as neutral grounds, but it's slow going. Strengths: Virtually indestructible, immortal Weaknesses: Her phylactery must be within her body or she becomes blind and deaf, can only conceal her supernatural affinity with the help of a talisman around her neck, phylactery can be damaged or destroyed by powerful magic or silver weaponry Stance: Technically inactive, but working towards peace Special Power: Necromancy- Rebecca can contact ghosts, raise zombies, and even project her consciousness into corpses to reanimate them. Other: Damaging or destroying her phylactery is the only way to permanently harm her- tear off a limb or destroy her skull, and she'll just repair the damage.