Name: Scott Greenfield Age: 26 Ethnicity/Race: Caucasian Appearance: He's rather tall, standing at 6'2", and has black hair and brown eyes. Usually has a fair amount of stubble on his face. [hider=Picture] [img][/img] [/hider] Personality: His supervisor describes him as "dull and dutiful". He has few friends outside of his co-workers, as he tends to focus entirely on his work. He has a great amount of passion for what he does, and he feels that it's his responsibility to protect people. As such, he is driven to find those responsible for the recent killings, and bring them to justice. History: A Gravette native, Scott spent most of his life in the city. He was a hardworking student, and he was noted for his sense of duty. Unfortunately, he didn't make many friends in school, and he never bothered with dating. After high school, he worked a few part-time jobs before entering a police academy. At the age of 21, he became a police officer in the Gravette Police Department. Two years later, he became a detective. His career has been mostly uneventful up until recently. He was mostly relegated to handling minor offenses, while more experienced detectives pursued the major cases. However, the police department was not prepared for the sudden influx of homicides, many of them involving either apparent animal attacks, or the use of unusual weapons and chemicals. Scott is one of the many detectives assigned with figuring out what is happening, and who is responsible. Involved Yet?: He is investigating the crimes committed by both sides, but isn't aware of the existence of the supernatural or the conflict, believing the killings to be the work of normal criminals. Strengths: He's been trained to fight, and is in good physical shape. His detective work has greatly improved his investigative abilities. He also has the police, and by extension, the US government, on his side. Weaknesses: He is bound by the law, and is unlikely to break it. He has no special artifacts, and no supernatural powers. Stance: Oblivious, but unlikely to remain that way for long. Other: Typically wears a light grey suit.