[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/dZsL0GS.png[/img][/center] David watched, unamused, as the drama unfolded in front of him. Several other youths added their voices to the whole thing and frankly the entire affair was getting rather noisy. He finished up with the photo open on his desktop and closed his Macbook for the morning, sick and tired of doing hobby work while there was a sumptuous breakfast waiting for him. Just as he grabbed his fork and knife and carved himself a chunk of pancakes slathered in maple syrup, something caught his eye. There, standing among the arguing crowd, was a little girl. The bright red rain boots she wore were too big for her feet, as was the sweater and scarf wrapped around her neck. She had a light pink glass in her hands, and he saw that it was because of the strawberry milkshake within. He set down his utensils and grabbed his camera again. With the picture framed just right, he snapped a photograph of the little girl amidst the chaos of the morning rush. Then the manager recognised the girl. All of a sudden the hubbub of the diner turned into silence, almost as if time itself froze. David couldn't move as he watched the moment frozen in space; the older lady with a hand to her mouth mid-gasp, the young girl whose milkshake slipped from her little hands. The glass shattered and suddenly everything sprung back into real time. The girl ran into the back of the diner, bumping into one of the tables on the way as she barreled into the ladies bathroom and locked the door behind her. There were shouts to call the police and everything happened so fast he couldn't get his camera up in time to capture anything. But he had noticed the girl drop...something out of her pocket as she bumped into one of the patron's tables. David picked up his fork and stuffed his mouth full of pancakes (delicious, fluffy and still warm) as he stood up and walked over to where she'd dropped the picture. He lifted his camera and took a snapshot of the man that picked up the photograph, more specifically his hand and the photo, and checked the lighting as he took a seat in the man's booth. "I, uh, sorry. David Sawyer, photographer. Couldn't help but notice that photograph that the little girl dropped...looks oddly similar to a picture I took inside this diner. Here, have a look." David placed his digital camera on the table and scrolled through his pictures until he found the one he'd snapped of the dragonfly perched on one of the diner's lampshades. He turned the camera around and let [b]Gary[/b] have a look at the picture. "I saw that dragonfly up on one of the diner's lamps, thought it was weird so I took a picture. It's strange that she'd be carrying around a similar picture, right?"