[CENTER][Img]https://i.imgur.com/8BJy5WD.png[/img] [b][code]The Reid Farmhouse - Garage[/code][/b] [sub][@Surtr Inc][@Atrophy][@FernStone][@Prosaic][@Mike73][/sub][/center][hr] "I won't detonate it while you're in there," Lynette had flatly noted as Rien worked his own abstraction, "Besides, worst comes to worst, I have the tools to save you." Contrary to reassuring him, Nate couldn't help but shoot back a jab of his own. "Right, does that include my hand or will I be lucky to come back with anything past..." He waggled a few fingers over his elbow, the implication clear, but he never got anything back from her and soon figured out why. Sounds of a thousand flies, wasps, bees - whatever else was floating out there - had rapidly quieted until there was nothing left. Hagan, no big surprise there, took Billy's cue that the coast was clear and practically threw the doors open, letting light spill into the confined space again. Nate squinted for a moment, blinded by the sudden return of the sun's glares, before realising that figure stood in the opening wasn't just his eyes screwing with him. Britney and the others were there, along with the redhead who'd had her arm broken by that tentacled [i]entity[/i]. So [i]they[/i] were alive, at least... though he soon found out that one of the others he hadn't really known, Andrea had gotten caught up in that mess. How they'd make any sense of that, explain it to the cops - how [i]he'd[/i] put that to Quent - was something he didn't want to face up to right now, but he felt a sickening lurch in his stomach when the reality of it set in. [i]Dead.[/i] As the others cleaned up, so did he with a couple of things, shifting furniture and detritus aside to draw some of his worse thoughts from the situation at hand. Before long they were resting on the porch, nursing their non-existent wounds whilst the redhead (Sharon, he found out) rested her actual injury, which turned out not to be all that much of a big deal when it came to being treated by Isabella. [i]Not that it did the dead ones any good, try fixing that.[/i] Something kept tugging at him from the corner of his eye - Nate shifted his gaze just a couple degrees over towards the edge of the property. For just a second, colour bled from sight as the world shifted towards a monochrome - in the field stood a silhouette. It was too distant to make out with any sense of clarity, but... he blinked and it was there still. And closer to them, another silhouette - just in the yard outside the house, though that one disappeared quick. His attention was on the field, when the colour seeped back into view. "Did you guys see that?" Whatever it was, he'd been distracted from the conversation now that Sharon was up and about. Like the rest, Nate listened, trying to push the silhouette to the back of his mind for now. "We got attacked by William Birkin just for coming here, but I'm sure it won't happen again - just see how excited we are to go!" Sarcasm oozed from his every word, "But, what do I know, I'm just the guy who keeps getting shit phasing through me. Sure, let's go, it's nothing touching me."