Rocky walked slowly down the hallway, noticing the mans orange, almost neon clothes standing next to a....Cyborg? Robot? Whatever it was it was pretty damn advanced, due to the cannon poking from its arm. He turned his glowing sword off and instead took his laser pistol and aimed it near the bot. A sizable distance, stationing next to the morgue door, and he was terrible with a pistol. [i]'Bad plan bad plan bad pl-[/i] His thoughts were removed as he fired three shots at the robot, he confirmed that he missed twice but the third one he couldn't pinpoint. Turning and having to jab a door open likely bringing much attention to himself, he stood in the morgue. He looked around at the morgue before rushing to the door that entered med-bay, this time it wasn't budging. He quickly hid behind one of the individual iron coffins, and waited for a knock at the door.