[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=ForestGreen]Ayita Dyrkin[/color] & [color=Olive]Richard Laine[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.gifer.com/NXWb.gif[/img][img]https://i.gifer.com/IdAq.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [center] [b][color=ForestGreen]Location[/color][/b] Blackbird[/center] [hr][hr] Ayita had shifted back to hand Allison's limp body over to Banner. Though she was close enough to eye level with the man, standing just a bare inch short of six feet, Ayita gave him a careful and pointed look over. Her amber eyes narrowed as the predator within her assessed this being. Finding something suiting her, or perhaps nothing she was disapproving of, the woman nodded slowly. [color=ForestGreen]"Take care of her."[/color] For all her figure was scarred and battered, a warrior's, her voice was soft. Turning on her heel the woman knocked Richard's hand aside as her brother moved to wrap it about her shoulder. Doubtless to lead her after the others as if she was some pup! Though she greeted Damon with a tiger's chuff of welcome. The man being one of the few humans she cared to be around. Richard yanked his hand back as Ayita cast a look of irritation at him. She was in a mood it seemed. Though he knew it was most likely due to his growl at her. Ayita was not easy to anger but hit a button just right and she would be riled. Not raging or sulking, but irritated and not willing to give or receive affections for a time. Richard rubbed the back of his head as he followed after the others. It was something he had been doing a lot of these last few months. For all his little sister claimed to have no pride, she had enough to sustain herself on for the next eon. The Adder thought with a sardonic smile. A smile which faded as he looked at the news. [color=Olive]"Most likely they will make it out as the X-Men are taking the children as hostages."[/color] The Adder gave a sharp hiss of agitation. [color=Olive]"They will want to spin us in the worst light and themselves in the light of- at least- blameless."[/color] Ayita studied the building as a deep rumble sprouted from her chest. She had to agree with her brother on this one. [color=ForestGreen]"Humans are the only species I thus far know to raise themselves upon morals that hurt their own potential."[/color] The woman huffed a irritated breathe as Richard cast her a raised brow. Braiding a length of hair over one shoulder the female shifter shrugged off her brother's gaze. [color=ForestGreen]"They attack us, by law should we not strike back? The strong survive, the weak do not. Even amongst your cities this is true."[/color] The shifter pointed out with a soft voice, tying off the end of the braid.