[b]"Ironic isn't it?" [/b] Thousands of miles from the prison, sitting pretty in his large office looking down at the streets below is one of the brilliant minds who came up with the unique technologies holding the individuals within the "super prison." Dr.Lawson [b]"All of who worked on the project masters of our fields, each one of figured revolutionary ways of escape proofing cells. In order to protect or freedom, we had to garuntee that no one could escape?"[/b] He was in apparent interview, likely about to receive yet another award. He sighs for a minute as if annoyed by the memory he was just having. [b]"The only one we really had no clue about was Mr.Lapsa." [/b] The woman interrupted [b]"The Red Abyss."[/b] Dr.Lawson tossed her a slight glare, before continuing [b]"When you refer to them like that, you empower them, you convince them that their illusions of being more than me and you are true." [/b] Once more the Reporter could not hold her tongue. [b]"I feel someone that has been compared to a 30 megaton bomb might be a little bit more than me."[/b] The Doctor waves off her rather snide remark. [b]"Anyway, his abilities have forced us to ignore his humanity. Though I use the word lightly. Within his unique cell is a sarcophagus made of "Holy" birch, wrapped in cloth that was dipped in the sea of Jordan. We have Buddhist seals, and even carved the walls to have it resemble the chamber of a healing.The floor is made of marble pulled from the halls of the appointed...There are two more things within it but I am not authorized to reveal their existence at this time." [/b] The reporter looks up from her notes with a raised brow. [b]"So are you saying that all religion is in fact a truth?" [/b] The doctor smirked, [b]"I am saying you can never be to careful. In addition the sarcophagus is filled with a liquid similar to the fluid you are born in. It keeps him sustained and asleep, a electrical charge from the prison is ran through it at such a fashion to keep his heart in a controlled spasm. Preventing enough blood from reaching his brain to have the capacity to do more than faint in the event that he did adapt to the liquids. "[/b] The reporter seemed to tilt her head, [b]"Why not simply kill the man?"[/b] He walked over to his rather expensive looking chair and took a seat. [b]"We did try, but even while it was rendered comatose, the armor is like another organism entirely it protected itself...I won't say anything more than the thought had more than crossed our minds."[/b] She once more looks at him confused. [b]"What if he gets out?" [/b] He waves his hands back and forth laughing at the thought. [b]"The only way hes waking up is if someone opens that door. Last time I checked no one wanted to free the thing responsible for the Mt.Velion incident?"[/b] The reporter smirks, [b]"You just referred to him as a thing? Does that mean you too don't see him as one of us?"[/b] ..... .... [b]"You can see yourself out."[/b]