[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180529/8ab94f962f3391699a4a8ae33b6ffec2.png[/img] [hr][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ef/8b/a7/ef8ba791a4c8962359abc9a8e9e44380.gif[/img][hr][hr][@FantasyChic][@Morose][@Nallore][@burnski][/center] [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=AC42B2]Miranda Fay[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/11e1e1dd7c8474dbef86f9c5102ce226/tumblr_odkcrxMp0G1uqdigto3_250.gif[/img][/center][hr] Charles nodded, though he looked a little bit nervous that Eliette wanted to go with Erik, however, the first thing he needed to deal with was Mythri's question. It was a good one, and it made sense for someone to ask, after all, how were they to know to trust them in helping them out, since his own powers were so simple in comparison. [color=00aeef]"The main way would be to figure out what exactly triggers your abilities, and see if we can find a way to help you control it that way. Once you know what causes your powers to go off without warning, than we can work on getting them to trigger when you want them to."[/color] Miranda nodded, her own powers went off without warning, no matter what. It was annoying, especially since she could go into a trance at any given time, the main reason why she wanted help. The holograms, or illusions, were easy to handle, but the visions and the trance were just about impossible to predict, no matter what she tried. Charles then turned his attention to Eliette. [color=00aeef]"I believe it would be best if you stayed here Eliette."[/color] [color=#FF5733]"Let her be Charles, she'll be fine,"[/color] Erik interjected. They both knew that Ellie had some issues mentally, though in Erik's opinion, Charles was a little too harsh on her. He believed that she'd be fine, but Charles almost took on a father like roll to the Cajun girl, which Erik found to be a little strange. [color=00aeef]"She isn't exactly the best person for this sort of thing Erik... Not exactly the most careful person around and you and I both know it."[/color] [color=#FF5733]"She'll be fine Charles, just let her be,"[/color] he said again, before he headed towards the exit of the room. Charles let out a bit of a sigh, knowing that there was almost no use in arguing with his friend, Erik was a bit stubborn. [color=00aeef]"Alright, fine, she can go with you Erik..."[/color] Lensherr turned to face him, giving him a bit of a smirk, [color=#FF5733]"Great, anyone wanting to come with me and see what sort of information we can get about the program and the government's involvement, follow me,"[/color] he said, giving a smile to the others as he headed out of the room for real this time. He knew that Charles would finally come to his senses about Eliette. He needed to let her live a little after all. Miranda stayed where she was, since she was planning on sticking around with Charles to try and figure out how to control the visions. They were way too much of a problem for her, she didn't want to end up in a coma again or something, she did not want a repeat of the incident that happened when she had discovered her powers. That had definitely been the worst years of her life. New York was still a little warm for her, definitely not like her home in Alaska, where it was kind of cold almost year round. She didn't know any of these people, but she did like Eliette, the girl tended to make her laugh a little bit, and it was funny watching her zip around at top speed. The others, she wasn't too sure about. Miranda didn't know what to make of the group in general, at least as a whole. Nothing really made sense to her, like why it was this specific group of people, why not a different mix? Xavier was able to find mutants... So why didn't he find others, or even more to add to the group? She had so many questions running through her head, but she was pretty sure no one was going to tell her the answers.