[center] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/a1f860b22b487d1cf6643669ebf02409/tumblr_inline_p7lc87ybhm1sccn28_250.gif[/img] [h2][color=orange]Damon[/color][/h2] location: Stark tower [/center] [hr] Damon followed the others down but paused at the sound from ayita, giving her a nod. He had been distant from her as well and while not intended he was okay with staying away from her brother. The guy was attractive...a weird thing for him to realize, but he was not about to linger on that. He didnt listen in to the brother and the sister but instead made his way fully into the tower and paused as soon as the screen of the television came into view. He listened and listened to Sara's remarks. [color=orange]"Oh they are definitely going to pin it on us."[/color] he rolled his shoulders and shook his head. [color=orange]"But we cannot just retaliate at them now. Anything we do that can be viewed as even slightly bad will make it worse."[/color] His arms crossed. [color=orange]"I have no idea how to go about this or even how to deal with any of it, but once it has been pinned on us if we look any worse that turns everyone on us"[/color] That was a lot of speaking from him, but he hopped he was making a point. That and he found he couldn't really stop himself from speaking....it was...rambling. Another pause as he then ran a hand through his hair. [color=orange]"I really do not want to just sit here though. get people to safety sure but let them get away with that...."[/color] he trailed off. Damon was frustrated at best and this whole thing really made him want to throw rules out the window in favor of instinct and revenge. But his brain wouldn't let him right now. His eyes flickered downward not really wanting to see the reaction.