[img] http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-o6JQQcxKLg8/UBMi1lajzOI/AAAAAAAAByE/Ube8R428bok/s1600/warning+R-Rated.png[/img] [hider=My Post] Cheshire laid on her metal table, strapped to it with metal bands that were custom fit to her extremely curvaceous body. Her eyes were closed, but she was aware of the guard coming in. “Hey baby girl, time for your daily dose of vitamin D!” The guard said with a smirk, starting to unzip his pants before he heard the girl growl. He started to back up, knowing she had never done a thing like this before ever since she had come here after her capture. She had been in a sleep-like state ever since she had killed 15 guards in the process of her first attempt to escape, and she had not moved a muscle or made a sound for exactly 3 years. So this, was extremely scary, even for the experienced guard. He froze though as the growl grew louder, his hands now covering his ears as it was echoing in the room. “No more Jonathan! I don’t want any more!” He heard a young girl cry out, soon an image blocking his view of everything in the room. He saw an older man raping a young girl, who must’ve been his fiancé, because she had a ring on her ring finger. As the young girl pushed him away he was shoved into a wall, making him smirk as he rushed at her and tackled her back onto the bed. But then the door across from them burst open and the man was shot, the girl being taken away from the now dead rapist. But her fate had just become so much worse; she was strapped into a chair then poked with thousands of needles, was burned with chemicals, and was put into a test tube afterwards. But one day though the girl became the thing that was in the room with the terrified guard; The Cheshire Cat. She was placed in a prison after they found her unable to comprehend the basics of humanity anymore, the padded room full of cat toys keeping her busy for many years. But then she broke out of the prison, thanks to her new teleportation powers, and went on a torturing spree until she was caught while torturing a male for almost murdering a woman. The images of him being tied up were thrown into the guards head, making him back into the corner as he saw her fill the tub he was in with scalding hot water which at first blistered every part of his skin except for his head. She then drained the tub and filled it with dry ice, killing the man almost instantly which made her smile. But then there was a pinch on her arm, and she looked down to see it was a sleep dart. She fell to the floor unconscious, the guards loading her into a truck and taking her to the prison cell that she was in now. But the images of her other tortures ran through the guards head before he screamed and ran out of the room. [i]That’s right, run you bastard, go home to your mommy! But never forget the torture that awaits you! Never![/i] She said into his head, her laugh carrying inside of it till he was out of the building. The door had closed behind him unfortunately, which made her sigh internally. [i]God dammit…… Where the hell am I going to get an escape plan from? And where would I go after that?[/i] Cheshire asked herself, sighing again and hoping for a miracle of someone saving her from this place.[/hider]