[quote=@Retired] Also, [@Master Bruce], [@Byrd Man], and [@Morden Man]. I've mentioned this to others in PM, but I wanted to bring this topic up to you three. I'm personally of the mindset that games like these are better off when players are kept to a single character. If they want to swap in the future, sure, but having multiple, simultaneous characters I feel has historically always caused issues for these particular games. Just as villain NPCs tend to do, though to a more extreme degree. I know a couple others feel the same way. I can guess that Gowi will be opposed to this idea. But I'm curious where you all stand. [/quote] I’m actually not opposed because as Morden and the rest of the gang know – I don’t do well when the keys to the car are left on the countertop so to speak. I’m better with limitations than I am with absolute freedom in terms of character application. I’ve handled multiple characters well in the past [though I have also not handled it well either on more occasions], but in these games I tend to be impulsive and cocksure. When Bruce mentioned he might open it up to two characters-per-player my first thought was to start thinking of secondary concepts but also heavily suggest when that happens to hard lock it at two characters per player with no further amendments. This allows creative freedom and options, but also makes sure someone doesn’t pick up six characters and spread themselves out too thin.