[quote=@Morden Man] Also, a little unrelated, but as much as I love shit-posting, I find it almost refreshing to talk openly about what we have planned in the OOC thread. It's nice to discuss ideas with people out in the open rather than in PMs or on Discord. I know we all like to have the element of surprise (and I know I certainly fetishize "reveals" a little bit) but it can sometimes be a little isolating to see people posting day after day as if ideas come to them like manna from heaven, when really it's because they thrash [i]everything[/i] out behind closed doors. We should do that out in the open more often, I think. Inbetween the GIFs, memes and dick jokes, obviously. [/quote] Well... since everyone here knows how much I love talking about Batman, I suppose there are a few teases I can make here and there that don't spoil any of the major beats that I have planned. Obviously, I'm playing a very early Batman who hasn't figured out what he wants to be yet. The entire point of Bruce rallying the people of Gotham behind hating and fearing him is supposed to reflect that he doesn't quite understand the city's need for an outright hero, and that he has to learn Batman should be a symbol of hope as much, if not more, than something to fear. This also ties a bit into his psychosis, which I'm playing as more unstable than most iterations, with Bruce borderlining schizophrenia and having a bit of trouble with that. He fears losing himself to the beast, as it were, and I'm toying with having his Batman episodes actually end up being blackouts at some point that Bruce doesn't even remember. This is because I fully intend to exploit the idea that Martha Wayne was a member of the Arkham lineage, which offers a great deal of hereditary insanity. The way he's going to fight this is by gradually becoming more of the classic Batman with a stricter moral code who values allies like Alfred and the yet-to-be-introduced Oracle - along with perhaps the adoption of a certain boy from the circus that forces him to start leading a better example. Beyond just the character work I want to do, some may have noticed I'm not leaping at the chance to have Batman fight his bigger rogues gallery in every post. This is intentional, because I want events to take shape that inspire more of these people to come to the forefront. I already introduced Ed Nashton, and you can't not expect The Riddler to follow at a certain point. (Unless you're [@Byrd Man], whose legendary run with a version of Nygma in another game was so good that I don't even want to try and touch it.) That's how I intend to set up a majority of the villains. Introduce a primordial version of them, play out a reimagined version of their origins, and have the experience shape Bruce into a better hero. So people like Two-Face, Catwoman, The Penguin, the aforementioned Riddler, Ra's Al Ghul, and the like are all getting the slow burn treatment. And this is especially going to be true of The Joker, who I want to save for last as a huge reveal, given that my concept for him strays quite a bit from the beaten path and sets up a great deal of Year Two. I daresay my version of the clown may prove to be a bit controversial, but I really want to swing for the fences and deliver a wholly different type of evil than just a gleeful criminal mastermind. Oh, and I'm getting a Batmobile soon, I guess... if you're into that type of thing. [sub]Shit. I got carried away again, didn't I? Oh, well.[/sub]