“Yeah, we could threaten the Russian about another sanction coming from us,” Hyo murmured to himself as the Vice President making her points clear from across the table. But to be true, the first part of the meeting doesn’t really concern him. After all, it is their expertise. And it is better to leave the matter to the master, despite the fact that he is also one of the best in his work. Looking to the vacant seat next to him, where Raymond Rose usually seated comfortably with a lukewarm cup of coffee in hand, a sense of nostalgia come across Hyo’s mind. But there wasn’t that much to remember about. Yes, they were colleagues. Yes, they are co-workers that prefer to exchange some unlaughable jokes during pass time. And sometimes, they do give others favors in supporting each other bills when addressing the House. But that is that. Ain’t no decades of friendships nor comrades in the political battlefield. Just an acquaintance to each other. But still, a question is needed to put forth, why did Raymond do that? It has only been a few months in and already a person is out? Hyo knew he wouldn’t buy that. For surely, nobody would be sacrificing their clean status because of something like this. Unless it is because of someone bribe him which required an investigation from the FIU (Financial Intelligence Unit). But the current situation requires more undivided attention from Hyo. After all, this is not only about Ray but the whole department itself. And as a matter of fact, it is reasonably difficult to interfere the nation’s economy without dabbing into the Department of Commerce’s specialties, which would make him look like a power hungry politician if do so. “Yes. Don’t be too worried about the Russian. The fact is that they are more dependent on us than we to them on import and export speak for itself. So, I suppose another sanction threat would be enough to stop the Russian from at bringing this to the table. For the Chinese, I will try to think of a solution about this…” Hyo stopped, seemingly trying to construct his next line while sipping the cold coffee. “As I was saying, I will try doing my best with the Chinese. But it is not within my power to promote domestic commerce. And there are only two solutions that I see, we could consider another candidate. Or we could separate it up in half, half goes to the Department of Labor and the rest for the Treasury.” For Hyo, it was a bold move. Of course, he knew the proposal would likely to never get past the Lower House, he wasn't betting on it. Actually, if that bill gets to the President’s table, there is a more severe problem to fix than just deleting the Secretary of Commerce out of the presidential succession line. No, his reason was comparatively simple. It was just a warning shot, a reminder for any people in this room to not fiddling with their personal interests during these times. Because for Hyo, what if the President heard the suggestion from the Vice President and actually choose the person she handpicked. There would be groups in this room. And although that chance is slim, he would prefer not taking that road or any roads with the same mindset. “Well, while we are still on the discussion of the economy, I had recently sent a bill to amend the Dodd-Frank Act. As you all know, after the President’s message, 5 banks declared its failure and a few minor strikes happened. The 5 banks were all community banks with each asset are less than 50 million dollars. Fortunately, we found another a bank that would gladly take all deposits of three. The others two? Not so successful. Of course, what ensured has been paid off. But about 9000 to 11000 people were affected quite heavily. So it would really help me if you guys can put a nice word when the amended version gets propose into the Lower and Upper House. ”