[quote=@Lord Wraith] It works when you right write it, never saw it in the comics though. [s]Personally I like the idea of Batman and Black Canary.[/s] [/quote] Fun fact: the only reason I ever started putting the two together was because in that particular version of UDC, the players who were using both Barbara and Starfire made them way older than Dick, so I had to basically pull a whole 'nother romance out of thin air. And the more I wrote it, the more I liked it. In comics canon, yeah, I go Dick/Babs all the way. In my own head-canon, though, that's another story. [s]I could get behind Bruce/Dinah. It'd probably be healthier for Bruce since Dinah's already on the right side of the law, and it'd allow him to dunk on Ollie. And anything that is bad for Ollie (comics-Ollie anyway), I approve of.[/s]