[hider=Grayson Reed][centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/TX4zCsU.gif[/img] [sup][sup][sup][sup][sup][sup][img]https://i.imgur.com/RdpWnav.png[/img][/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup][/centre] [u][color=1474AB] Character Summary [/color][/u] [indent][b][color=1474AB]Name:[/color][/b] Grayson Reed [b][color=1474AB]Age:[/color][/b] Twenty-seven [b][color=1474AB]Nationality:[/color][/b] British [b][color=1474AB]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Homosexual [b][color=1474AB]Status:[/color][/b] Single[/indent] [u][color=1474AB] Appearance [/color][/u] [indent][b][color=1474AB]Height:[/color][/b] 6' [b][color=1474AB]Build:[/color][/b] Well-built [b][color=1474AB]Eyes:[/color][/b] Brown [b][color=1474AB]Hair:[/color][/b] Black[/indent] [u][color=1474AB] Personality [/color][/u] [indent]Most people don't worry all that much about right and wrong in their everyday life. It doesn't come up while running errands, doing chores or working your 9-5, so almost everyone can just cruise along in a state of lackadaisical moral neutrality, not doing anything particularly wrong but not much that's really right either. Grayson Reed, however, can't allow himself to be or feel neutral for even a second. He's got a burning, white hot core of a heart that bleeds for every wrong he sees and won't let him rest till he's done something to put it right. This goes for the big things, the global injustices and worldwide problems, but also for the little things that are easy to allow yourself to ignore. Like most people who believe something so strongly, Grayson is something of a polarising taste. You either love him or hate him, it being hard to be ambivalent on a man who rejects neutrality. People in positions of authority over him (teachers, landlords, police officers) have most often gone with the latter, whereas he counts most of his contemporaries as friends. And to his friends, Grayson is loyal, dependable and generous, always looking for an opportunity to lend a hand to his brothers or sisters in arms. As with his dedication to doing the right thing, Grayson will help a friend to move hosue with as much willingness and enthusiasm as he'll try to dig them out from debt or from a shitty landlord. For him, doing the right thing is more important than anything else, including his degree or any petty laws he might have to break.[/indent] [u][color=1474AB] Skills [/color][/u] [indent][color=1474AB]♦[/color] Artistic Talent [color=1474AB]♦[/color] Knowledge of History [color=1474AB]♦[/color] Highly Empathic[/indent] [u][color=1474AB] Strengths [/color][/u] [indent][color=1474AB]♦[/color] Fearless [color=1474AB]♦[/color] Moral [color=1474AB]♦[/color] Loyal[/indent] [u][color=1474AB] History [/color][/u] [indent]Grayson is one of those people that unfolds like a perfect little riddle if you know their history. Having bounced around orphanages and foster homes since a very young age, Grayson knows better than most how impermanent relationships can be. Here one day, gone the next and forgotten the day after that, that's how it goes when you've not got a place to really call home. But rather than let this sour him to making friends at all, the long list of people he no longer knew made the young man double down on each new person he met. He tried twice as hard to make friends and four times as hard to keep them, quickly wracking up a collection of pen-pals and contacts. In his academic life, things went similarly. Switching schools as frequently as he did, it's amazing that Grayson got as complete an education as he did, just barely scraping by with passes in Maths and Science while he coasted on high scores in the humanities. His dedication to helping others made him well loved by his classmates but disliked by the teachers, as the young Mr. Reed had no problem sharing his work with anyone worried about their own prospects, whether they'd put in the work or not. When asked about this by a particularly irate educator, Grayson simply replied that he didn't think someone had to meet a quota of effort to deserve help, it was something everyone needed sometimes. Now in higher education, Grayson gets along somewhat better with his lecturers, who have less cause to care if he shows his essays to a fellow student. However, several have taken issue with his habit of hijacking discussions to talk about whatever issue has his attention. More often than not, a perfectly peaceful discussion of the significance of an Italian sculptor or French impressionist has been co-opted by the rambunctious student in order to discuss unthinking Euro-centrism or the pervasive attitude of dismissal towards 'lower' art forms like graffiti.[/indent] [u][color=1474AB] Extras [/color][/u] [indent][b][color=1474AB]Motto:[/color][/b] [i]"If you've got strength left, use it to lift your brother up."[/i][/indent][/hider]