[quote=@Jurassic Weeb] [@Kuroyomihime] I'm still in a Halo/CoD mindset of having two guns and grenades, so forgive me. Basically we're going with the PUBG/Fortnite inventory system? [/quote] I don't play any of those games so I can't really answer it based on that comparison. Think of it under a slightly more realistic point of view, like [@Sola] said. That said, just to clarify it, dual wielding isn't a special talent. Anyone can pick a second weapon and wield it on their off hand, but it's usually just as impractical as it's in the real world. The penalties can be reduced/cancelled with Specs. Also, just as a side note, a character like Fuka would be possible, but require a highly unusual build. At any rate, dual pistols and grenades are ok.