That shit right there, that was some growing hair on your chest and nuts kind of shit, he tried. That's what Prisoner 8951 felt after trying a swig of that one hitter quitter whiskey. manning up from the burning sensation and trying to get himself back together, he was not going to try that again. Walking on and shaking off the power of his drink, he looked behind him a few times while going forward just making sure no one would get the drop on him until getting to the platform and went onward to the stairs. Now...after hearing the noises, 8951 pondered if he should head up to find out who that would be or play it safe and try not to run into anyone. Of course he's going to go where the people are. He was a fighter and who knows, whoever is up there could have something better for him to use as a weapon. If he didn't get himself killed first. With that, he made his decision to head upstairs. Maybe cautiously but curiously.