Ambrose seemed to be cooling down as soon as Morgan left the room, thinking with a clearer head. He rejoined the group of others, glancing between them. "Sam, I hate that rat, but don't kill my roommate." He said with a note of humor, glancing at her with a half smile. Ambrose listened carefully as the others chime in, and didn't even notice Caleb staring at him until everyone else did. "Wha-me?" He blinked at Caleb's response, "I mean I don't know..." Ambrose didn't like the sudden position of power, and he didn't understand why Caleb even cared what he thought after Ambrose had spoke to him back at the forest. He felt a ting of guilt thinking back at it. "I... I don't think we can afford to waste time. This is the fastest way. Morgan is a little rat, but I don't think he is interested in bloodshed or hurting people just for the sake of causing pain." Ambrose spoke slowly, thinking through the decision himself. Finally, Ambrose shrugged and looked back over the rest of the group. "We should just do it and get it over with." There were grunts of approval and some murmurs of concern, but everyone was on the same page. Ambrose pulled out his phone, texting Morgan their approval and to meet them back at the room as soon as possible.