[@Zanderkvothe][@Jangel13][@Searat] Gabi saw the gathered crowd up ahead. And she listened intently to try and get an idea of what they were saying. It wasn't hard to pick up on bits and pieces of their conversations, and she was able to piece together at least some notion of what happened during the raid. But what about Nabi? Where was she? And was she alright? It sounded like the goblin that everyone was talking about was male, so that was a good sign at least it terms of Nabi being alright, but Gabi wouldn't truly feel her uneasiness wane until she saw Nabi safe and sound with her own eyes. "Do you know what they're talking about?" Gabi asked Kittim. "What is all of this about a magic vegetable?" She knew quite a bit about vegetables, considering she was a farmer, but she had never heard of any magic ones.