Glass, an entire world of glass. Sarah Covenry lived in a world of glass. She was a princess in a crystalline castle. A single minute room, a cell with walls like a fish tank. Unfortunately, there was little to see. Behind all walls but one was simply a swathe of electric lights, bank after bank of light emitting diodes that could, she supposed, rival the output of the sun!. Sitting in her cushioned cot in her bright orange jumpsuit Sarah changed the channel on her television, nothing live of course- and never the news, but plenty of mindless drivel to occupy an eternity. Sarah supposed it wasn't so bad, especially compared to the cells of many of the others. She had a shower, a comb, few cushions and a clicker for the television. So long as she didn't try and summon any darkness she was comfortable. If she did, those banks of lights would brighten to counter anything she did. She'd tried to fight it in the beginning but that much light created a lot of heat and she'd passed out from the effort, covered in sweat, barely being able to breathe from the stifling sauna that her cell had become. She was bored, so very bored. Sure she had television and books and the food was somewhat decent compared to a life of fast food but a lack of variety grew stale no matter how good one had it. Tapping one bare foot against the plastic floor she hummed along to a music video she was watching and watched the guard stride past. She sometimes talked to the guards, even though she wasn't supposed to, just for a change of pace. Several times she'd opened the top of her jump suit and shoved her bare bosom in their faces just to break the monotony. That had been a mistake and she had regretted it. The jibes and taunts she'd received since had been scathing. They also didn't bother averting their eyes when she showered behind the completely transparent curtain. Thankfully she hadn't done anything more. Who knew what they'd do if she'd done something more lewd. Creating a small shadow puppet in her hand, Sarah winced slightly as the lights fluoresced. This was the best she could do. Anything more and the lights would become painfully bright. Not that she could see a use for it. She'd tried making a crowbar but she had nowhere near the strength necessary to use it. No, she was well and truly stuck. She only hoped that one of the other inmates had allies outside. All she needed was a power outage, anything to shut off the automatic lights and then she'd be out.