He felt the steel touch his throat and realized that this was definitely not the person that his master had been on contact with. The situation was to be expected though. His master had reminded him that if he appeared to the resistance in the ceremonial clothes that he might be treated poorly. As soon as he shoved inside and sat down he looked around the room and took comfort in the fact that the wards weren't going to keep his sword out if he should need it. It would cover them from spells if they were fired upon and the walls seemed pretty damn strong for a bar. [color=00a99d]"If either of you are quite done peacocking I'd love a chance to talk instead of being threatened. Now if I wanted you dead I could have hacked that tank to fire mortar shell after mortar shell at this place till it was a sand box. I don't want to hurt anyone. I'm hear to join. My master Argus Finch sent me. Said he had a contact here and wanted to get me started before he died. Sadly he didn't get his last wish. I made the journey here and was hoping to join without the threat of my life but it seems we are at a conundrum. Now my master did send word though I don't know how cause I was never privy to that information as I was his pupil not his equal. So my question to you gentlemen is do either of you have a letter from him explaining me or him?"[/color] Soren stopped talking mentally checked on the the tank. Yep still connected and nothing coming it seemed.