Victor sat cross legged in his sparse cell, the bulky man breathing slowly his trademark mask still attached to his face, the guards never had the chance to take it off during the week long battle to get the villain known as 'Velocity into his cell'. Victor's cell was made out of a metal that was designed to negate any kinetic energy forced into it. The entire cell was spartan with absolutely no furnishings, just Victor and the four walls that surrounded him. The man continued his zen-like breathing gazing at the passing guards the way a lion eyes it's prey. These men were weak government lapdogs, if they didn't have their badges and states to hide behind Victor would have ripped them limb from limb. It had been five days since Victor's last attempted escape, a new guard had arrived who wasn't savvy to the exact nature of Victor's powers. Victor had asked the man for some 'light reading' the naive sentry had obliged giving Victor a hardback copy of Lord of the Flies. Victor had proceeded to repeatedly hit himself with the tome until the energy from these blows was enough to sever the door of the cell from it's hinges and annihilate the guard leaving his mangled remains at the entrance of the cell. This freedom was short lived when several mechanized officers were able to take advantage of Victor's weakened state and he was herded back in to his cell. The guards would often look at Victor but the most he would do is raise a single middle finger, he wasn't going to submit to their supposed authority, none of them could defeat him in one on one combat. Occasionally a guard would read Victor a letter from his sister Alice, he had originally joined the military to pay for his sister's tuition and while she was now in the running for a nobel prize for physics, Victor was stuck in prison after a military experiment turned sour. Ever since his experience in the army he has resented authority preferring to rely on his own strenght than any supposed state, the only people he needs to care for are himself and Alice. Rising to his feet Victor began his daily ritual of cursing at the guards and pounding furiously against the walls of his cell.