[h1]THE FOLLOW UP POST[/h1] …………………………………. New Jersey is quite a long ways away from atlanta, and while Eris and Charlton had settled their differences on where they wanted to head to, they still had to figure out how to get there. They both stared puzzlingly at the Atlanta bus charter, plotting out just when and where they would get off at. “You know,” Charlton began. “This would be a lot faster if you had speedster powers.” Eris nodded. [color=00FA9A]“Yeah, but having the ability to make music by myself is pretty rad, too.”[/color] They said. [color=00FA9A]“I just wish Mindy could see it.[/color] [color=00FA9A]Have you heard back from her yet?”[/color] Charlton shook his head. “Everytime I call, I get the answering machine and some man who calls himself Darius will ask to leave a message.” He explained. “Why haven’t you tried to call her, sir?” [color=00FA9A]“All my shit got wrecked the night I escaped.[/color] [color=00FA9A]Of course, you weren’t there but…”[/color] They said. They sat in Radio Central’s break room, Max was not there, he was off looking for new supplies for the shop. [color=00FA9A]“I’m almost certain you could hear it.”[/color] Charlton nodded. “I did. I was watching the news when the Beatles started playing throughout the whole city.” He said. “Speaking of the news, I think we may have to leave sooner than expected. Did you know there’s a...Giant Woman in a Cheerleading outfit terrorizing some parts of the city?” Eris shrugged it off. [color=00FA9A]“Eh.[/color] [color=00FA9A]It’s not our problem.[/color] [color=00FA9A]Besides, it’s probably just some kind of movie stunt, or something.[/color][color=00FA9A] Anyway, the world’s a crazy place.”[/color] They leaned back in their chair. [color=00FA9A]“You’re just gonna have to get used to it.”[/color] “I suppose you’re right ma’am.” He said, sighing. “But, it still concerns me a little. I would rather not run into this...Giant Lady...person.” Eris laughed. [color=00FA9A]“Yeah, well.”[/color] They stretched their arms wide. [color=00FA9A]“We’re going to New Jersey.[/color] [color=00FA9A]And I need new clothes.”[/color] They looked down at the torn dress they wore. It was same one from the party a month ago, they never got a chance to change at all when they were in that room. “Yes, shopping is in order.” Charlton said. “I suppose we can go right now, and reconvene back here in an hour.” Eris stood up, and headed for the door. [color=00FA9A]“It’ll take a while, I’m feeling like I want to wear something...bright.”[/color] They walked down the street of east atlanta. It had been about a month since they escaped. Their mother had just about given up on tracking them down, and has officially renounced them as her daughter. As of today, they were officially 17 years of age, and while not legally allowed to be on their own, no one necessarily had to know that. They had grasped a little control over their powers, and now walking down the street with a small ipod they got from Max, they decided to test it a little. [hider=SURROUND SOUND ACTIVATED:Now playing- "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger"...][url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDpmVUEjagg[/url][/hider] There was a voice that would always sound in Eris’ head before the song they wanted to play started. They were still getting used to the robotic sound, and were a little freaked out when it happened. Part of the reason they wanted to call Mindy so bad was to ask her questions about Soundria and their powers, but Mindy Diasco had all but disappeared from Eris’ life. As they walked down the sidewalk, music followed them colorful images formed themselves on the walls and below Eris’ feet that perfectly captured how this particular song made them feel. They don’t exactly remember what happened the night they escaped, but they did see videos of the damage they did from other people’s perspective. They also saw people reacting to the noise of their music from all over Atlanta. They’re pretty sure it made the news, and everyone just shrugged it off as a really, really loud party. They got strange looks from people, some just assuming they were a girl who [i]loved[/i] Daft Punk so much she listened to it on the loudest ipod in existence. Other’s didn’t even glance their way. The world was strange, in that there were superheroes and villains all over the country. Eris had never actually seen a superhero, and they remembered hearing something on the news a few years ago about a bunch of heroes tearing a town up, but they were too busy to process that. Now that they had their own powers, they felt that maybe they could use it to help out a little. They were never going to reach the levels of Superman, but they still had an odd gift. The only way to use said gift is for good, but before they could help people out they would have to get their own power under control. The pretty patterns that were flat and not touchable that formed on the walls and sidewalk were taking quite a bit of effort to keep flat on the ground. Perhaps when they had full control finally, they could do the whole helping people out with music bit. But until then...Boy, they sure hoped they’ll liked Jersey. ………. [color=thistle]Hey this is it, the follow up post.[/color] [color=thistle]it’s short and to the point, and you will all find out what happens next in the next post, if you’re wondering why Eris and Charlton have chosen New Jersey of all places, then that will definitely be answered when i start writing again, lol.[/color] [color=thistle]I have a tiny little arc coming up, and I expect Mindy Diasco will get her own Character Sheet so that you guys can officially see what she’s up to, and who this Darius guy is.[/color] [color=thistle]Also, we still have two more characters to meet, so that should be exciting.[/color] [color=thistle]As well as a lot of villains for E.G to beat up.[/color] [color=thistle]So until then I give you:[/color] [hider=Tonight's Atmosphere][url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMmRac5wYv4[/url][/hider] [color=thistle]Also from this point on, Eris officially wears the outfit that I drew awhile ago![/color]