Ambrose was stopped by the door of his dorm by the blonde-haired Morgan. He was his usual snappy self, though there was a sense of gloating whenever Ambrose and him spoke. Morgan had played the game and come out on top, without a single scratch. It gave Ambrose a deep seated resentment, that Morgan got involved without any pain or trauma unlike Ambrose who would be lucky to get through this with his life. And Morgan had no shame with rubbing that in his face. "What is it?" Ambrose snapped at Morgan. "Going to see that lovesick puppy?" Morgan shot back with a haughty smirk. "It's none of your business." Ambrose stomped past his roommate, shutting out Morgan's retort and made his way to the campus's tucked away garden. This place used to be Ambrose's sanctuary, but not anymore. But it was still useful for private conversations like this one. Ambrose received Caleb's text as he walking up to the enclosure. Stepping around the brush, Ambrose called out "Caleb...?" Rounding the tree, the other male came into view. Ambrose crossed his arms over his chest as he approached. "So what did you want to talk about?"