Hello there, I'm writing this thread in hopes of finding a GM who would be willing to write with me to create a story following the journey of a central character from start to finish. As in, a play that begins in their childhood years (how young depends on the plot) and ends with them being old and on the verge of death after having lived a fulfilling life. That's honestly about it. If it sounds really general, that's because it is. I've always loved stories that explored the MC's life from start to finish. Being able to watch them grow and age gradually always heightened the sense of investment I got from following their adventures, hence why I would really like to explore the concept for myself. Although, this doesn't mean I would leave every part of world building to whoever accepts this. If need be, I'd be more than happy to world build alongside my GM and toss out ideas as to where the plot could go. It's a big task, so I'd be willing to alleviate the burden in anyway I can. That about sums it up. If you'd like to see a more detailed look at my interests, I have an interest thread here: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/168820-plot-ideas-pairings-and-fandoms-craving-fate-stay-night/ooc#post-4705580 The idea can definitely be set in a pre-established world, so for sure let me know if any of our interests line up. Though, I'd be willing to go through this with most plot set ups, so feel free to just throw ideas my way.