Caleb's attention fell back on Ambrose after a moment of just looking at the sky. He watched him as he spoke, telling him that he didn't hate him. Caleb felt a bit of relief. Ambrose didn't hate him. He felt better knowing that at least he hadn't completely ruined any chance at a friendship with Ambrose. Ambrose was still talking and Caleb's eyes fell on him listening attentively and trying to figure out what this meant for them. They still had to discuss plans for finding the final blade, or rather retrieving it from an alternate universe that existed alongside their own. There were consequences. It was dangerous, but Caleb would do it, he would think of a way and he would help everyone bring normalcy back to BlackBrick Academy. He had managed to slip into his own thoughts when he felt Ambrose's hand brush against his own and for a moment he looked into Ambrose's eyes. Connor sighed and managed to look away for a moment, thinking about things. "Ambrose, I would like that, I would like to move past it all," he managed to say his hand moving, cautiously slipping into Ambrose's own. The touch was different. It was odd, but it felt normal, it felt good. His gaze met Ambrose and he gave Ambrose a soft smile. Was he really holding Ambrose's hand? It felt right.