Veronica's cell wasn't as special like all of the others. No, hers looked more like a dungeon one would find in a castle during medieval times. It was primitive with the exception of a new glass wall separating Veronica from the bars of her cell. Last time she had managed to pick the lock but she was quickly caught. She was in her cot quite bored out of her mind. There was no technology that Veronica could use or manipulate in order to get herself out, let alone entertain herself. Without technology, she was just as powerful as your average Jane Doe. She looked at the guards who stood outside of her cell, and she heard them speak, despite the glass wall. The guards looked to each other after looking at Veronica and the smaller guard asked "So…that's the quarantined Virus? She seems much more…human and calm than every other prisoner here," The other guard nodded and said "Yeah. But don't let that fool you. She's a genius. The moment you let her anywhere near a computer or any machine in general, and you're done for, either by her hand or by someone else's," The smaller guard mumbled "Scary…!" The other guard replied "What do you expect? She was adopted and raised by that dictator of a politician, Wolfram Cordelia," Veronica couldn't help but roll her eyes at the mention of her being 'quarantined'. The idiots! She shook her head at them silently, plotting of another way to get out. Unlike the other villains here, she hadn't exactly lost her marbles, so she wasn't too excited about killing just as everyone else is here. Instead, she was just numb. She didn't care about much about anything, except a select few things: herself, her inventions, her computer, the occasional pranks she comes up with, any plans she makes, and her grudges and vendettas.