Ambrose held back a giggle as he watched Caleb plan all the things he wanted to do together. It gave him hope, and for a moment he was swept away with Caleb. Maybe there was a chance for normalcy, or at least a future where they didn't have to be on death's door every other day. "I would like that..." Ambrose said softly, running fingers through Caleb's hair. Ambrose sighed in sync with his partner, both looking down at the flooded notifications. But he was right, the sooner the better. Ambrose stuffed his phone back into his pocket and turned on his heel to begin making their way to the library. Caleb took care of arranging a time to get together, and Ambrose and him ended up taking their time on their way to the library bunker. They entered together, softly conversing and one of them chuckling every so often. It only took a moment for Ambrose to notice the atmosphere of the room when they entered though. It was an anxious, frantic energy, and it sobered Ambrose up immediately. He cleared his throat and took a seat at one of the wooden tables. "So." He began, eyes shifting from one person to the next. "I guess we're almost there right? Don't even really need to go off campus for this one. Do you guys already have a plan?" He questioned, addressing everyone in the room.