[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/calligraphy-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180330/bbd70378392b14f6f8ab885ed81b6da8.png[/img][/url] Sister Bride of Aubree [@Ellion] and Bride of Kagan [@ghastlyInc] Interacting with Kagan and Bree[/center] [center][h3][color=5ec4b3]"Its a gift. Not a test."[/color][/h3] [h1][color=5ec4b3]"Its a gift. Not a test."[/color][/h1] [color=5ec4b3]"Its a gift. Not a test."[/color][/center] She watched him lift the book she had just placed aside and ignore her words. Well. In a way. Her eyes followed his hands as he studied it, found the price tag, and placed the monies upon the counter. The book was thrust toward her, but carefully. As if afraid of wounding her any further but she knew this not to be true. He was merely of mind enough to know of the delicateness of a Gem. It was almost as if he were afraid he would break her in his annoyance at a great many other things. Just as gingerly she received the beloved item and pulled it toward herself as if in shock. Adora wondered if perhaps she had been a bit too meek. By comparison to Bree she had seemed outright subservient. Perhaps her place here was not so shaky as she imagined it to be. She did not dance so close to the edge that would lead to her demise. Perhaps she could be a bit more demanding and call upon the self that had been so delightfully frank last night. She smiled at the book and pressed it against her stomach. Maybe she had been acting a bit more afraid than she had realized. Adora thought to herself that she should take a few more liberties. Maybe her more natural, outgoing and feral nature would be more appreciated than this childish acceptance had been. Looking from beneath her lashes, a coy smile formed on her lips. [color=BC79CB][b]“Thank you, Kinner Galegar,”[/b][/color] she half whispered in a bedroom promise. He did not seem to notice. His attention had been put elsewhere on more interesting and demanding notions. There was no need for her to waste the effort. She did not allow the look on her face to last long before a wiggling puppy demanded attention again. She was more than overjoyed to bestow upon it the delights of a vigorous stroking. The next words he spoke to the dog and it was almost as if it were a reminder to herself. Don’t be so afreard in her own talents and abilities. She need not bow and demean herself in this way. Adora reminded herself that enough was enough. Either she could be appreciated for what she could give, or she would be given back to the prince to die. Did she really want her last hours to be meek and mild when her soul called her to a hurricane? His attention was called back to Bree and she was almost thankful of it. She was just beginning to find her solid ground when she had been so afraid of falling over a cliff’s edge to her doom. Adora had been so ready to sacrifice it all in order to live that she had forgotten why it was the Prince had chosen her in the first place. No, he had not tasted her last evening. At least, not in any meaningful and lasting way. A mere appetizer. The young noble knew she had it in herself to prove to be both main course and dessert. As she stroked the puppy, a feral smile played across her face. Seeing a creature so happy with itself and those around it made her realize her error today. Finally she looked up to see what had held both Bree interest so raptly and Kagan’s derisive comment. [i]People.[/i] Other beings were being sold into the same sort of slavery as the brides. The only difference was the pomp and circumstance behind it. Her stomach trembled, and she held the book closer. It was more like shouting and pulling. Less of the gentle leading and offering that she could only imagine the gifting of one of the hard-earned brides could be. The difference modestly being the action of money against service. She shivered and then felt the large, hard hand on her shoulder. Adora could not help herself and cried disparagingly as the hardness of the hand pressed down upon her and the fingers brushing the fresh burn which caused her to cry out in pain. She attempted to bite her lip; attempted to foil the sound in her throat but to no avail. Adora did not look up at him and did not show any sign of her weakness, as she had previously. She could not afford weakness any longer. Instead she focused her eyes ahead of her and walked. No longer would she play the fool to her fears. Not if she truly wished to survive in a land that favored strength. ------- Her eyes fell upon the keep… the castle…. the home…? for the first time. She had been inside of it before but had never truly looked upon it. It was all spikes and stone and hidden places. In a sense she felt it very well befitted what the stories told and what she had seen of Drakka so far. She paused for a brief moment to take it all in - before the tug on her leash called her to humbly walk behind her master. As she moved her legs mechanically and the book she had cherished held flat across her stomach, she began to think upon the castle’s visage. It was a stark and violent outline against mountain and sky. It demanded attention, whispered it’s intentions, and pushed feeling into the heart of all who saw it… even if it was a daily sight. Adora considered the countenance and decided she would need to become more like the castle in order to truly survive Drakka. For truth, her meekness had been but her fear of death and rejection. As the early hours of the day had betrayed she had not yet been rejected. The fresh blister on her chest and the collar around her neck spoke deeply otherwise. She had been but a foolish child, thinking much too far ahead. But as she thought of the castle outline, she began to realize that Drakka never looked too far into the future and neither should she. The time was now. And if she wished to live in this place she would only think in terms of the present. Grim determination beset her face as she walked along silently. She would either live or die. And this was the Drakka way. So too would she embrace it. A feral smile slipped across her mouth and she looked toward her sister. Bree spoke her mind and demanded. Bree had the right thought of this place already – even if she didn’t know it yet. She should take a page from her sister’s book and stop being so foolish. Her head was held high and she thought no more beyond the steps she now took. Later, when things were quiet she could think and consider and wallow. For now she was a part of Drakka. In fact…. In truth… [i][b]Forever.[/b][/i] She was. [hider=Summary] Adora loves her new present. After much thought she realizes the person she needs to be in Drakka, instead of a scared Gemling. Upon the sight of the castle she begins to decide anew her fate. color = BC79CB [/hider]